OVA: Valentines Day

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It has been a month since the proposal and Percy have done nothing but plan for the wedding.

"This will be one hell of a wedding." Percy always told you, "I mean now I can have official bragging rights!"

"...bragging rights?" You asked with an eyebrow raised.

"YES!" Percy hugged you tightly, "Oh my GOODNESS (y/n), I heard from my partner kingdoms that my son will never mature enough to get a girl. And honestly - don't tell Bill this - I agreed with them for a periodic amount of time."

"...Is that so."

"mhm. Those dang kingdoms had hella good weddings, it's my turn." Percy growled, clenched his fists and shook his fist in the air. You sighed as he said that to you. Nothing new about Percy here

"Oh wait." Percy halted and looked at you, "Today is February 14 right?"

"Uh, yeah." You nodded.

"Today is Valentines Day, right?" Percy asked,

You blinked, oh yeah Valentines Day.

"Yeah, I think so-"

"THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU STILL HERE GO TO YOUR FIANCE." Percy screeched and pushed you out of his grip. You blinked as he slammed the door behind you. He was talking to you so you stayed by. You walked down the hall over to where Bill was. After all it is Valentines Day, so why not spend the day with him. However, the moment you entered Bill shoved you out with panic


"Yooooo babe what's up," Bill spoke and closed the door quickly behind him. You blinked and glanced at the door but Bill blocked your view as he stood in front of the closed door.

"...What's going on in there?"

"Nothing of the sort," Bill replied with a poker face,

"...Then why are you not letting me in the room-"

"It's messy," Bill replied.

"...I cleaned it earlier this morning." You spoke with a deadpanned look. Bill had a look as if he was trying to find any other excuse; his eye averted to the door, his lips bitten.

"....The dogs played on the bed."

"The dogs are in Mabel's room." You retaliated.

"They peed on the bed earlier this morning."

"The dogs weren't on the bed this morning they were out on the balcony." You crossed your arms. Bill blinked and looked at you,

".....I peed on the bed."

"What?" You took a step back and stared at him in confusion

"What?" Bill started to sweat.

"....Bill." You raised an eyebrow, "What's going on in the room."

"Nooothing of the sort, like I told you earlier." Bill shook his head,

"...You're acting as if something is going on."

"Wha- Babe!" Bill gasped and placed his hand on his chest, "You don't trust me?!" He seemed offended but over-dramatic.

"It's not that I don't, it's just you're acting too suspicious."

"Wha-?! Me, suspicious?" Bill gasped louder, "What gives you that idea?!"

"I don't know, maybe it's the fact of how you're blocking me from entering our room and giving me weird excuses?" You crossed your arms with an eyebrow raised.

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