OVA: The Wedding

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//this is going to be the cheesiest OVA/Chapter I ca n 't-

This is it.

Today is the day you and Bill get married.


You didn't get much sleep thanks to all the excitement. Bill didn't get any sleep either, both of you were busy talking about the wedding and what's going to happen in the future. It was a sweet talk, you had.

However, Bill is a little too excited about it...especially kids.

"Bill we can't just go at it just like that ya know."You frowned a little,

"Babbbeee," Bill whined, "Do you realize how long I have been waiting?"

"Yes." You nodded, "At least give it around a year or so, then we can discuss on it."

"A year is too long, besides we're practically a married couple to begin with." Bill frowned, "We sleep on the same bed, we talk about stuff married couples usually talk about, we act like a married couple, come on it's time for dat next step." His hands clasped and rubbed together as he smirked. You rolled your eyes,

"As I said, let's talk about it first."

"You're a party pooper." He frowned and collapsed on the bed, "Baaabbbee come onnn..."

"You'll wake up the entire kingdom shut up." You giggled and gently nudged him. He let out a small chuckle and pulled you down to his chest,

"Fine fine, I'll respect you not wanting kids after the wedding, but, when you're ready let me know through my standards."

"Which is?" You asked and nuzzled his neck,

"You know it." Bill murmured and tightened his grip on you. "It's in your mind somewhere."

"Oh...oh." You blinked and looked at him. Bill gave you a smirk and licked his tongue,

"I'll be waiting then, but in all seriousness we ought to get some sleep." Bill blinked, "Literally we'll be up for like all day and all night this coming couple of hours."

"I can't sleep." You frowned,

"Well, neither can I but does anyone want us blacking out during the reception? No, I don't think so." Bill raised an eyebrow.

Neither you and Bill had any sleep even after that talk. Strangely enough, when morning rose, you and Bill were up and running around as if a 10 hour sleep was made.

"(Y/n), your weird friends that you consider a second family are here." Percy whined,

"You see them as family too so shut it with your whining." You yelled back as you ran to hug Mabel. Mabel squealed with delight but pushed you away to show off her

"Oh my God. Mabel!!" You squealed and stared at her in awe, "You look so CUTE!!"

"I KNOOWWW!!!" Mabel squeaked as Dipper came in,

"It's so early in the morning and you still scream." Dipper mumbled. You gasped at what Dipper was .

"My my look at you~" You giggled, "Don't you look handsome?"

"Aren't you going to be married?" Dipper asked with an eyebrow raised,

"He's wearing blue because of that princess he met at the Engagement Party, what was her-" She got muzzled by her twin,


"Awwwww~" You clasped your hands together and gave a smirk, "How cute~!

"I KNOWWW!" Mabel squeaked

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