~Chapter 12~

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You and Bill decided to visit the gang at the outskirts of the kingdom. It took a while, because the counselors were completely against the idea. However,

"Go. Shoo." King Percy rolled his eye, his hand gesturing to leave.

So now you're outside with Bill.

If anything, King Percy didn't tell the public of your appearance, and had you and Bill leave in secret. The counselors had a heart attack when the King gave permission to leave the castle. If anything, they insisted on having guards walk with them. However, the king's answer?

"Goddamn, if paranoia had a synonym it would be all of you guys."

Sure, the counselors took that as an offense, and struck back saying "We have to protect (y/n)! The cult may figure out she's out of the castle!"

The King's answer?

"Oh please, the only thing they can do is poke her with a stick."

Bill considered that as a compliment because he believed King Percy trusted Bill to protect you. You weren't against that idea, probably because of how Bill looked mighty proud while leaving the castle.

However as you and Bill left, you 2 stumbled upon an old friend.

"Advisor Theo!" Bill stared at the familiar adviser.

"Ah, Prince Bill! Princess (y/n)!" Adviser Theo smiled upon seeing the couple. "Sorry I was gone for so long, I had to do something."

"No no, it's fine." You shook your head while smiling.

"I hope you didn't get any nightmares." Theo looked at you, a bit sad when he saw you hesitate.

"Are they getting worse?" He asked

"Well, the flames talk to her now." Bill answered,

"the fire can talk!?"

"Yes." You nodded your head,


Upon hearing that word caused you to perk up. That word...

"Are you 2 leaving?" Theo asks, noticing you and Bill heading off.

"Oh, yes." Bill nodded his head. "We're going out to hang out with a couple of friends."

"Is that so.." Theo hummed, "Well, I wish you luck." He raised his hand, waving. You glanced at his hand and immediately noticed something off. His hand had bandages.

"Adviser Theo, what happened to your hand?" You asked. Theo blinked in response.

"oh, my hand? Funny story actually." Theo chuckled nervously, "I was out on sea, and I tripped on the boat, scratching my hand."

"Ouch." You flinched, "is it okay now?"

"Yeah." Theo nodded his head while smiling. "It's recovering quite well."

"What were you doing anyway?" Bill asked, "Well, out on sea?"

"Your father asked me to fetch something, and I learned it was at sea." Theo answers Bill's question while sighing. "It was hard, but I finally obtained it."

"What did you obtain?" You asked. Theo smiled, taking out a container with a rock inside.


"What's that?" You asked, your ears perked when you heard Bill gasp.

"That's Tobernite." Bill stared at the green rock. Theo nodded,


"What does my father want with that?" Bill asked,

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