~Chapter 18~

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Bill was sitting on the sofa completely drained. He wasn't sure what happened. Ever since that Mai lady came by he felt so sick. He never felt like this before, well, he did actually...not long ago..

"....Drink up my Juliet~"

He tensed up. Yeah, he remembered this feeling. He remembered feeling that way when some dude came by and gave him water.

His eye slowly closed as he took deep breaths. Relax Bill...just relax...besides, what's Mai going to do with her?

It wasn't long before Bill sensed a certain King right outside.

....Okay don't relax Bill donT RELAX WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?

Bill's eye shot open. His heart started to race, his blood ran cold. He forced himself to jump out of the couch, as comfortable as he is. Unfortunately, he stumbled, even fell on his knees thanks to head rush. He felt so weak yet determined at the same time. He needed answers right now.

Why is King Percy here?

What's going on?

...Where is (y/n)?


Upon thinking that horrid question had Bill jump to his feet and dash over to where Mai took you. Where is she....where is she....where is she...

Sharol please let her be safe-!

~ ~

"You're one clever man, David." King Percy clapped his hands, "Woopy doo dah."

"You liked my small song?" David hummed while sticking out his tongue. "Figured I'd make some sort of grand entrance~."

"Oh please." King Percy rolled his eye, "The only thing you did was disturb everyone."

"Well now isn't that grand?" David asked

"No, more of disgusting." King Percy answered. "Honestly, if you want a grand entrance dress in gold and kick the doors down."

"...I'll keep that in mind." David rolled his eyes and smirked once more. "Either way I still got to you~"

"Anyone who sees you wants to bleach their eyes." King Percy raised an eyebrow, "So yeah, you can say that to make yourself feel better."

"Oh come on now Percy." David hissed at the name, "That's a rude thing to say to the father of Bill's 'girlfriend'." He quoted the words.

"First off, learn your manners. Only people who I like can call me only by my name." King Percy held one finger, then another, "Secondly, you may be her father by blood but you can never be one to her." King Percy narrowed his eye.

"Oh? What makes you think that?" David asked, quite interested in the answer.

"Oh geez, I don't know! Let's ask your unconscious daughter that!" King Percy pointed to the car.

"She was being stubborn." David rolled his eyes,

"The only one stubborn here is you." King Percy crossed his arms, "Forcibly pushing your daughter to you when she says no - don't you have a wife?"

"Killed her." David rolled his eyes.


"....Wow. And he calls me the Monster." King Percy scoffed.

"Coming from the Sadistic Demon King." David smirked.

"At least I am not a pedophile." King Percy watched David frown upon that statement.

"....Shut your-" David was interrupted when another voice rang out.

"...What are you doing...here..." Bill ran in the scene and turned pale upon seeing the Demon.

"...AH!" David clasped his hands together, a wide smile was forged in his mouth. "If it isn't your own son, Bill!" He squealed.


"Ahhh, how long has it been?" David took a step closer to the prince. "Like what, months? Ahhh, you look the same as before" David took another step closer. As David approached Bill, Bill took a step back. He shook his head,

"N...No...no no no...this- This isn't right." Bill was trembling, "I....I...I killed you..!"

"Let's have the past behind us my Juliet~" David winked, "We can look to the future together~!"

"...Y....IT WAS YOU?" Bill turned pale. "Y-YOU WERE IN MY ROOM?"

"Of course! Did you like the water I gave you~?" David asked, "Sorry I didn't have you drink all of it to finish you off...I got a little excited." David chuckled and took another step towards Bill. Bill couldn't even move, he could only watch David slowly getting closer and closer.

"How about I sing you a lullaby to help you sleep?" David asked, "Oh and don't worry about (y/n), I can take care of her for you."

"..(y/n)-" Bill perked up, a glare soon formed on his eye.

"I know I know, she's beautiful, isn't she." David clasped his hands together, a smile formed on his lips, "Haahhhh....don't wooorrrryyy, I can take care of her for you~" He licked his lips and took another step towards the Prince.

It wasn't long before a giant red whip slashed right between Bill and David.

"...Hey." King Percy hissed, "Over here."

"Hmm?" David turned around and saw the King give a smirk.

"I think you oughta turn around."

"...Why would you-" David immediately got slashed by the red whip - yanking him across the Prince and his back slammed against a tree trunk.


"She is at the passenger seat of that truck." King Percy looked at Bill. "Get her back to the castle and stay there."

"...B-But dad-"

"If you don't do it I am going to make sure to tell the counselors you had hell of a night at the party." King Percy smirked. As King Percy watched David slowly get up, Bill ran over to the truck and picked you up. Just as he was about to leave to the Kingdom,

"....Dad." Bill looked at his dad, "....Be careful." He whispered and took off.

"...I will." King Percy nodded his head and formed another whip. David slowly stood and formed 2 black whips.

"...You know what's so cute?" David asked,


"...You thinking you can beat me." David smirked,

"...Well.." King Percy chuckled, his flames grew as long as 10 feet long. "Wanna know what's cute?"

"Hm?" David hummed,

"You trying to make yourself feel better by saying that." King Percy had a wide grin latched on his face, his eye wide.

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