~Chapter 21~

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It wasn't long before the King tossed you back into the room. You fell on the floor hard and watched the King gently close the door.

"...L-Let me lea-" The King silenced you by putting his hand over your mouth.

"Now now, you can't afford to wake him up, can you." The King pointed at Bill. "Keep in mind if he does wake up, I am going to tell him what you're planning to do, and I don't think he'd like that."

Those words zipped your mouth shut.

"...Now." He removed his hand from your mouth. "Why."

"...Why wha-"

"Don't you act like you don't know." The King sneered, "Leaving to David are we?" He leaned towards you, raising an eyebrow. "What's your purpose on that, may I ask?" The King asked. You didn't respond. Rather, you were baffled. You could've sworn you didn't tell the doctor your plan.

"If you don't speak I will wake him up." The King hissed lowly.

"...Because if I leave then everything will go away." You answered lowly. The King took a step back and appeared to be baffled by your answer.

"Wha...what kind of logic is that?!" The King was taken aback. You stood up and dusted yourself,

"If I leave, then you will no longer have any problems, right?" You raised an eyebrow. "So that's what I will do." You turned around and walked to the balcony. The King mumbled something but you couldn't make out on what it was. But you figured he agreed.

"So you agree?" You asked and saw the King walk to you while rubbing the temples in his head.

"No. I said you're a dumbass." The King hissed, closing the doors behind him - leaving Bill to sleep without an argument hissing in his ears. Anger seized in your veins, oh a dumbass am I? A Dumbass?!

"Excuse me-"

"Yeah, you're excused." The King glared at you.

"C-Coming from you, you- you sadistic being!" You hissed, "You have done nothing so far-"

"Hold it." The King halted you. "I have done nothing so far?"

"Yes! I mean-"

"So you mean to tell me David decided 'oh let's back off from my daughter'?" The King hissed.

"W...Well no-"

"Okay, so Theo decided to lay it off? Let you go?"

"...Wait what-"

"Yeah. Remember that incident in your hand?" He pointed vigorously at your hand, "I prevented Theo from grabbing both you and Bill earlier."

"...Why are you telli-"

"Because sometimes spoiled kids who think of themselves need to know their surroundings." The King hissed in reply. "And that's who you are at this moment, which I find concerning."

"What does it matter to you anyways?" You hissed, "I mean, I am your problem right?"

"Wha- Who said that you were a problem?!" The King seethed,

"I-It's my fault all of this is happening. I-If I go to David then it will all be over!" You exclaimed with tears in your eyes. King Percy was trembling in anger, he looked like he was going to burst. However, he stopped, took a deep breath, and looked at you calmly.

"So you are going to give up on what you're fighting for?" King Percy asked,

"Wh.." You were taken aback, "...I was fighting to begin with?"

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