~Chapter 14~

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"He got poisoned." The doctor confirmed.

"P-Poisoned?" You asked softly. The doctor nodded and gently placed a blanket over the prince up to his shoulders. He glanced at the group of counselors standing outside conversing with worry.

"...The last time you saw him well was before Adviser Theo called you, right?" The doctor asked.

"Y-Yes." You nodded, "I gave him water to help with his break down from earlier, I swear it was clean water."

"I believe you on that part." The doctor stood up, taking off his gloves. "What concerns me is that adviser..."

"Heard the news." King Percy leaned on the door, "Is he alright?"

"My King." The doctor bowed, "He got poisoned."

"Poisoned." The King raised an eyebrow, "My son?"


"...That's...kind of hard to hear." King Percy mumbled.

"It is indeed, it isn't normal for a dream demon to get this sort of condition." The doctor agreed with the King. "The water and smell is the cause though."

"The water?" The King glanced at the cup.

"Yes. Miss (y/n) brought him clean water to help him out from breaking down."

"How do we know its clean?"

"It got contaminated. Originally it was clean."

"I see....did you find out what contaminated the water?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact I did. It's-"

"Hold on for a second." King Percy halted the doctor, turned around and slammed the door shut. "...sorry about that, the counselors were muttering so loud it got to me."

"Uh.." Both you and the doctor were at a loss of words.

"...So..you slammed the door on their faces?" You asked.

"To give them a signal that they're too loud." King Percy smirked which faded almost immediately once he looked at the doctor. "What was in the water that contaminated him?"

"Well...you wouldn't believe it." The doctor looked at the water - now in a container. "...A pint of black widow's venom and Torbernite."

You froze when you heard of the granite.

Your father asked me to fetch something, and I learned it was at sea." Theo answers Bill's question while sighing. "It was hard, but I finally obtained it."

"What did you obtain?" You asked. Theo smiled, taking out a container with a rock inside.


"What's that?" You asked, your ears perked when you heard Bill gasp.

"That's Tobernite." Bill stared at the green rock. Theo nodded,


"What does my father want with that?" Bill asked,

"Classified." Theo sighed, "In all honesty, I don't know as well." He shook his head, "You know how your father is."

".....My King." You spoke, your fists clenched. King Percy looked at you.



"Why what?" King Percy raised an eyebrow.

"...Why would you poison your own son?" You asked, tears streamed down your face once more. King Percy shifted, his eye latched onto yours. His look changed drastically as he gave you a death glare.

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