OVA: Side Effects

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Despite you and Bill achieving the main goal that you both have wanted for the longest time...

you felt something was wrong.

You have told Bill about this feeling, but he told you not to mind it. He told you it isn't a biggie, especially since you new chapter in life has just started.

You tried not to mind it...but it got worse.

Way worse.

You felt something was missing and that feeling attacked your heart twice as hard each day. Even during the honeymoon, you felt like something should happen....but nothing did.

Even after the night when you and Bill returned from the Honeymoon....you felt something isn't right.

Something is missing....and you didn't like it.

You stared at the view from the balcony and watched the clouds slowly drift by. Your heart was thumping hard, as if you were expecting something to happen. Your hands rested on the rails on the balcony as you waited...anticipated for the unknown.

You felt anxious...but for what?

....you have a feeling you know what.

You felt hands crawl over your waist which caused you to gasp and turn your head rapidly to see Bill.

"Oh my God- Bill you scared me." You let out a small laugh,

"Oopsies, well you weren't responding to my calls." Bill pouted,

"You were calling me?" You blinked,

"There you go." Bill laughed, "What's up? What're you doing here all alone?"

"....thinking....yet waiting." You answered and looked back at the view.

"For what?" Bill asked,

"...I am not even sure..." You shrugged, "...Yet I feel like I do."

"...that's confusing." Bill mumbled and you laughed.

"I feel like if I say it, you'll get a little annoyed."

"The only thing I will get annoyed at by you, is if you tell me 'not now' whenever I-"

"Okaaayyyy." You cut him off and took a large sigh, "...promise you won't get mad?"

"Tots." Bill nodded,

"....I feel like...he should be here and...ruin the mood." You mumbled and felt an uncomfortable aura.

"...Does this correlate to that weird feeling you've been getting?" Bill asked and watched you nod.

"I still feel as if he's still out there...planning."

"....I don't think so." Bill sighed, "After all, you burned him to ashes and your lions ate the ash, am I right?"

"Well yeah bu-"

"Then the problem is solved. You shouldn't worry about things like that." Bill cut you off and pecked your cheek.

"...But I still feel as if he's-"

"Babe, it's over," Bill had you look at him, "David's gone." He gave you a stern look as he had his hand under your chin. You looked in his eye and gave him a slow nod. He let go of you and gave you a kiss,

"I'm going to take the dogs on a walk, you want to come with?"

"Mmmmmm..." You hummed, "Nah, you go ahead."

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