OVA: The Honeymoon

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//I have noticed people were not able to access the dress. Here is the link; . It SHOULD work. If it doesn't for you, go to my activity. I will post the picture there.

This will be one...long and....interesting....honeymoon. //

After the wedding ceremony, you and Bill went on a carriage that took you around the kingdom for all to see. They were pretty happy with this marriage, heck, some even shouted of how happy they are.

After the wedding reception, Bill tugged your shoulder and licked his lips in hopes for a....lovely night.

Yeah, that night wasn't given to him. Poor thing.

The next day was the planning of the honeymoon. Where did you and Bill want to go?

Funny story actually.....here is how it went;

"Babe, I want to go to a resort." You suggested,

"Actually, I know this one good place, ya know what it's called?" Bill looked at you,

"What?" You blinked and watched him smirk,

"...The Mystery Shack."


"Babe, no." You shook your head, "As much as I wouldn't mind spending time with Mabel and the others, I want to spend time with you alone."

"Aw come on, babe, think of this; it's because of shooting star we are together."

"....not to sound rude, but how?" You blinked and watched him freeze. He opened his mouth but closed it soon after. Then his eye glistened as if something clicked and he looked at you with a smirk.

"....the dance." He smirked at you.

"Oh....oh." Your face turned a little red, "....speaking of that, does Mabel know?"

"No...at least I don't think so.." Bill rubbed his hand behind his back.

"...let's hope she doesn't know..."

"Hey, we didn't make out and almost had sex on her bed ya know. It was on Pine Tree's-"

"AAAAHHH SHUSHSHUSH." You covered Bill's mouth. Gah! He said it so casually! You could feel a smirk coming in his mouth,

"What's wrong, babe~?" He asked through your mouth, "Nervous because you almost lost your virginity on - AYE." Bill shrieked in pain the moment you pinched his ear.

"AS I WAS SAYING." You screamed, "I think we should go with the resort." You responded as you took your hands off of Bill. Bill looked a little displeased, smirked, then nodded his head,

"Fine, I'll speak with the manager for the reservations."

"And remember; alone time." You reminded him as he stood. He gave a sigh,

"Yeah yeah, I know." Bill sighed and walked out the door. You watched him leave and shook your head.

You had a feeling he ain't gonna do that.

The next day, reservations were made and it was time for the honeymoon. You watched the maids around you pack clothing; the honeymoon is to last for 2 weeks. Percy made sure you and Bill were sent to a 5-star, high quality resort with a fine view and great service. He knew of a place and hit the place up for you, within minutes the reservation was set.

The resort was called 'The Demon's Paradise'. You and Bill searched up a couple of pictures the night before and you liked it a lot. It didn't have anything dangerous, it had a private beach, a trail for a hike, a massage area, fancy restaurants, and more. Bill seemed to like the idea of the place as well, he was rather intrigued with the structure and what it had. Apparently, this was where Percy and his wife met, so this place meant a lot for Percy.

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