~Chapter 27~

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You and Stanford were walking over to the main room with the rest of the Pines, but you stopped walking.

"You okay?" Stanford noticed your halt and turned around to check on you. You bit your lip,

"In all honesty, no." You shook your head, "It's not like him to go attack the innocent."

"Well, It's David." Stanford patted your back, "He does the unexpected."

"I know...but to harm an innocent family." Your hands rubbed your arms.

"...I know how you feel." Stanford sighed, "But don't worry. We'll slam dunk that piece of trash down where he belongs. Trust me." He tried to encourage you, cheer you up. You gave him a light smile and a little nod.

"Thanks.." You whispered before looking down. "...Hey, you go on ahead." You advised. "I...I want to be alone for a while."

"Need some alone time to think about all of this." Stanford gave a gentle smile, "I understand, take your time." He patted your shoulders and walked on. "Let me know if you want to talk. I- no, all of us will be by your side."

"Thank you." You nodded your head and watched him move on to where everyone else was. You took a heavy sigh and leaned against the nearest wall.

Your move.

You knew exactly what he meant by saying that. You felt kind of bad lying to Percy, but you didn't want him finding out you left the castle unsupervised to the villain. Besides, Stanford was near. If he heard of your confrontation to David how will he react?

"Everything okay?" You heard a familiar voice ring out to you. You glance over and kicked yourself off the wall.

"No." You responded to Bill.

"What happened?" Bill asked

"....He killed a family for no reason." You answered. Silence filled the room for a while.

"...What am I suppose to do now." You bit your lip, "He sabotaged an innocent family because of me."

"That's not true-"

"What other reason would he run around killing people?" You shot a look at Bill, "He killed my mother and Granny so he could get to me quicker."


"No. Don't sweetie me!" Your eyes widened just a little, "It's all true! He did this to get to me! He is willing to kill people just to get me!"

"And it looks like he won on that part." Bill narrowed his eye. You froze and stared at him.

"...Excuse me-"

"Look at you." Bill frowned, "You're all over the place, going around and getting all angry. You're letting him get into your nerves." Bill got straight to the truth, and it hurt.

"You want to kill him, right?" Bill asked,

"..Bill, you-"

"Am. I. Right." Bill cut you off.

"..Yes." You nodded your head.

"Then stop letting him win."

"I'm not letting him win!" You shook your head,

"Yes you are." Bill's voice raised just a little, his head nodded, "You're letting him crawl into your -beautiful- skin."

"No I'm not!" You shook your head, your voice rose a little.

"Yes you are." Bill nodded his head. "Babe, have you seen yourself?!" He asked, his hands gesturing all over you, "You look like a mess right now! You can't even control yourself anymore-"

"YES I CAN!" You screamed at him, "I-I AM IN CONTROL!"

"Your mouth may say that, but your eyes don't." Bill spoke calmly,

"NO THEY AREN'T!" You shook your head, your eyes closed shut.

"Listen to me, (y/n)." Bill spoke softly, "You need to control yourself. You're letting him win. I know it's an ugly thing to say, but it's the truth-"


"Look at yourself in the mirror, love." Bill spoke, "You look like a mess right now. David is getting into your head and you're letting him."


"You are. And I can prove it."


"By how you're acting." Bill responded. "You are screaming at me about how he wants to get in your head. Yes, I know he is attacking the innocent, and yes I am angry at him. But am I screaming at you because of it?" Bill asked.


"It may not look like it love, but I am upset too." Bill rested his hands on your shoulders, "What he's doing is wrong, and yes, it looks as if he's trying to get to you. If you show these types of emotions, then he is the one raising the victory flag, not you. He will be raising it high and proud knowing he tore you down. By knowing he did this, he will go an extra mile so he could get you running to him." Bill spoke softly and rubbed your cheeks. It wasn't long before you realized tears were streaming down your face.

"You have to slam him down, surprise him. I may not know much, but by seeing how you are, he has always done horrible things to knock you down." Bill spoke, "Surprise him this time. Slam your feet down and scream back at him with so much force, his flag burns to the ground. That way, you can swing your flag up and proud."

"...Wh...What if I can't?" Your voice squeaked, "I...I tempted him to go this far-"

"Define tempted."

"I...I went to him...a.and told him he ca-can't get me a-and-"

"Good." Bill gave a proud smile,

"N-No..I-I went to him-"

"And you slammed your foot to the ground and told him 'no'." Bill caressed your cheek. "Honestly that's a brave and a good move you made." Your eyes averted down to his chest and pulled him for a hug, as your face got barried against his chest. His secure arms surrounded your figure and held you tight. You felt his lips gently touch the top of your head.

"You slammed your foot down, leading him to do this. He does this so you could stumble down, leading to his victory. You put your foot down, now you gotta keep it down and firm." He whispered.

"S...Since when are you so wise." You mumbled,

"..I learned from the best." You felt his eye lock down on you. Such a compliment had you burst in tears.

"WHERE ARE YOU GUYS! YOU CAN'T GO ALL SECRETIVE ON ME!" Both you and Bill heard Mabel scream off the distance. You were going to find Mabel but with Bill's tight and secure grip on you, you didn't exactly want to get off his embrace. Besides, other than Bill's eye on you, you felt a particular eye on you from the distance. With that feeling, you felt it was a good idea to keep it this way.

And oh it was a good idea.

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