~Chapter 32~

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It wasn't long before Mabel and the others reached your room in hopes for comfort. Stanley and Stanford over heard on what Percy will do to David's act, and his decision sent Bill off the roof.

"If he wants a fight, he's got one."

Your skin lost color when they told you that. You were lucky no tables were around because Bill was rampaging.


"Hey, we heard him say it." Stanley shrugged his shoulders. Bill face planted to the bed and groaned loudly.

"What am I going to do with this guy..." Bill murmured through the bed sheets. You sighed and rubbed Bill's back slowly.

"I wish I knew my friend." You sighed. Bill perked up and looked at you with an eyebrow raised.

"'friend'?" He asked with a frown.

"oops, sorry." You giggled.

"Well in all honesty he seemed pretty serious." Stanford sighed,

"Meaning Percy means it." Dipper pinched the bridge of his nose.

"haha you said 'mean' 2 times in one sentence." Mabel giggled.

"Mabel now isn't the time for that-"

"Speaking of time, Bill, (y/n) when am I going to be he godmother?" She looked at you and Bill, "I've always wanted to ask you that."

Your cheeks went full red and Bill stared at you.

"Yeah, babe. When is Mabel going to be the godmother." Bill asked with slight enthusiasm.

"Mabel we are trying to win a war against a cruel man and you're asking (y/n) and Bill when are they having kids?" Stanford pinched the bridge of his cheeks with his eyes closed shut. Mabel looked at her great uncle,

"is that a problem?" She asked

Dipper face planted next to you on the bed and screamed. You closed your eyes and gave off a nervous laugh.

"Yeah. Is that a problem?" You heard a familiar voice speak from the corner. You looked over to see Percy staring at you.


"I want to be a grandpa you know." Percy mumbled


"For once I am agreeing with Dipper over here." Stanley pointed at his flustered great grandson, "We don't really have time to talk about- WAIT A MINUTE." He halted Percy who was about to leave, "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING."

"Out to mourn~" Percy teased and skipped off.

"Guys..." You sighed,

"But they are right we never really discussed on kids, did we." Bill looked up at you.

"We can talk about kids when all of this is over." You looked at Bill with a frown, "Do you seriously think right now is the time to talk about kids?"

"Well Mabel brought it up." Bill looked serious, "And you know when she talks about things, it's the right time." He sounded so serious it was debatable whether or not he was kidding

"....Are you being serious right now?" You asked nervously.

"Bill and Mabel are like twins." Stanley groaned, "They have so much in common, you would think they are the twins if you first met them."

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