~Chapter 30~

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//I'd like to thank for making this picture!

"David is going to strike at any minute, what are we going to do?" Stanley asked,

"Well, we have to think like David." Stanford sighed, "...And there is only one person who can."

Everyone turned to you.

You stiffened and stared at everyone. "...Hold on, I don't think like him-"

"You may not realize it, but when push comes to shove you do." Stanford said, "What do you think David would do?"

"Hold on, l-let's talk about this-"

"Sweetie." Bill came in, "...As much as I hate to say this, Stan's right." Bill said and took his hat from your head.

"..You are her father so-" Dipper came in,

"By name." Mabel interrupted her twin, "...He will never be her father." Mabel shook her head.

"...Yeah. That poor bastard is nothing but trash that needs to be destroyed." Stanley agreed with Mabel on this one.

"How about we put all this relationship aside and focus on the main problem?" Stanford came in, "Let's think about this, okay? (y/n), out of all of us, you were unfortunately the one closest to him. Do you have any thoughts on what is expectant on him doing?" Stanford turned to you and asked. You were taken aback, how were you suppose to know? Since when are you somewhat related to David?

....but then you strangely expected it. As much as you hated it, you are related to David, and you are his daughter. So you have to have something from him. You recalled thinking about this earlier, you know you have his thinking skills. David is dangerously smart after all and occasionally so are you. But with everyone knowing and telling you this shocked you. Is it really that obvious? If that's the case if anyone who knows David meets you, is that the first thing they are going to say? That you and David look like eachother, or have something in common?

Such thoughts disgusted you yet at the same time you had no actual reaction to it. You grew up hearing those words so you grew accustomed to it. However every time you hear those words you flinch and want to puke.

Is this what hating your biological father feels like?

"Hey, you okay?" When Bill tapped your shoulder gently, you snapped back in reality. You looked at Bill and nodded slowly.

"Yeah....yeah of course." You told him for assurance, but you can tell Bill wasn't buying it. Everyone was looking at you,

"...Well, do you have any ideas?" Dipper asked.

"I....I need some time to think this." You bit your lip.

"We don't have time." Stanley narrowed his eye, "You either have one or you don't."


"you don't. Do you." Stanley took a step forward, "You're his daughter."

"Stanley." Bill took a step forward in front of you.

"What? We don't have time." Stanley looked at Bill, "If we don't plan something soon David will dance around the castle."

"Okay then, plan." Bill narrowed his eye, "How about instead of putting her on the spot, we all plan it out together."

"But (y/n) has a bigger advantage! She thinks like him so if she can think-"

"You calling her dumb?" Bill growled.

"No, no I am not." Stanley shook his head, "What I am saying is we have an advantage."

"yeah we do but that doesn't mean putting her on the spot. Usually when people are suddenly put on the spot they panic and don't think regularly." Bill crossed his arms and glared at Stanley. "You're pressuring her to do something that isn't comfortable."

"How is that uncomfortable?!"

"JESUS CHRIST PEOPLE CALM DOWN!" Dipper ran infront of Bill and Stanley and yelled. Silence fell in the room. It wasn't long before the door silently opened.

"...We don't say the 'J' word." Percy said with an eyebrow raised. "...Just putting it out there, now continue your small fight." And then Percy closed the door yet again.

"......Uhm.." You squeaked,

"Let's think about this together guys." Mabel came in to support Dipper on this. You can see why the Mystery Twins are coming in. You have to agree with Bill, you do feel pressured.

"...Okay fine." Stanley backed away and sat down on the nearest chair, "So let's think. What are we going to do."

Stanley's right. What do we do now? David is unpredictable, although you can think like him, it is hard to go against him. If you and David think the same that means you will know what he will do, and he will know what you do. So you didn't think you'd consider yourself an advantage against him.

But for now, think like him...what would he be planning?

The riddle that David spoke of entered your brain;

'Midnight, Over the Garden Wall,

in the Rosewell's lie

a little fight awaiting to reply.

Although two may come,

one will leave with a victorious reign

over the Kingdom of ale.'

...wait a minute.

You perked up, staring at everyone.

"...I know what he is planning." You said.

//cliffhangers my old friend :D

I apologize for the shortness of the chapter!!

What do you think David is planning?//

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