~Chapter 29~

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"HOW COULD YOU NOT NOTICE." Bill exclaimed

"Well how am I suppose to know David would swing by." Percy mumbled.


"I was too busy dying of boredom. Anyways, what happened?" Percy looked completely interested as he was on the edge of his seat, "What did he do? What did he say?"

"He said some sort of riddle." Bill answered, "It was all confusing."

"Of course it was confusing to you." Percy rolled his eye, "Do you at least remember it?"

"'Midnight, Over the Garden Wall, in the Rosewell's lie a little fight awaiting to reply. Although two may come, one will leave with a victorious reign over the Kingdom of ale.'" You spoke the poem,

"What the heck." Percy mumbled, "The references are real in this one."

"Pardon?" Bill turned around

"I said the riddle appears dangerous." Percy quickly replied. "Anyway, this seems somewhat dangerous...yo Brando, did you write down the riddle (y/n) spoke of?"

"Yeah." The counselor Brando nodded his head.

"..Wait why did I ask for you? Weren't you suppose to take the rest of the day off?" Percy raised an eyebrow. Brando seemed shocked.

"...You really meant it?"

"What you thought I was joking?"

"It kind of appeared that way, my King."

"oh...oops. A fault of mine." Percy bit his lip, "Take the day off."

"...you're giving a counselor a day off..." Bill closed his eye in frustration, "...because he told me patience is necessary in some situations?"

"...He said it better." Percy mumbled. Bill let out a frustrated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"...I...I am not going to say anything for a while. (y/n), talk to him." Bill sat down and crossed his legs.

"...Shouldn't we call Mabel and the others over?" You asked Percy, "I mean, they are kind of important in all of this."

"...Why didn't we bring them sooner." Percy smacked his head, "Brannddooo come back."

And so Brando came back,


"Bring those humans over."

"....Yes." Brando gave a sigh and left to bring them over. You could hear Bill trying not to scream in the back. You glance over to see him having his eye closed shut, his fingers pressed against his temples on his forehead. You could tell Bill wasn't exactly happy about this at the moment. You walked over, patted his head and took his hat. Bill's eye opened just a little to watch you put it on.

"You better give it back later on." Bill mumbled.

"You will have to make me." You smirked. Bill gave a small smirk,

"Ooh what a game it will be-"

"Here they are." Brando was heard from the door, as he escorted the Pines family into the room.

"What's up?" Stanley asked,

"David swung by to these 2 weird lovebirds over here." Percy got straight to the point. It wasn't long before the humans turned pale, and Mabel jumped on you.

"You okay? Did he hurt you? Did Bill protect you like he should've?" Mabel was serious on the last question. You blinked,

"..I'm okay, he didn't hurt me he just talked, and yes Bill did." You answered all the questions.

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