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Leeeeeet's answer some questions!!

Q.1) Out of (Y/n) and Bill's whole relationship, what was your favorite moment to write? ~

A.1) There were a lot of favorites that I loved to write, but if I were to pick the best one it would be the dance from the 1st book. I originally planned the first kiss to be at the fight with David, but I was reading over some group discussions from the group and I stumbled across a fan who showed everyone 'Treat You Better' by Shawn Mendes. They wrote of how they found this song relatable to the reader, and I gave it a listen.

That song does indeed speak through towards the Reader, and it's more of Bill speaking to you. It's basically Bill telling you how he'll treat you if you were to actually get in a relationship with him (that's why I made him sing it).

I really liked making that chapter, it was basically just Bill x Reader all the way.

Q.2) Will Bill and Y/Ns babehs be model babehs :3 ~

A.2) I mean, uh, yeah they'll be beautiful kids beause both you and Bill are absolutely gorgeous

If you want them to be models then dream ahead!

Q.3) in the honeymoon, will I have to hide the screen from others? ~

A.3) Depends, how strict and nosey is your crew?

Q.4) Question??? Can you do more Soul Eater stories please???? ~

A.4) It depends on the character and how I feel towards them. If I do feel as if I should make a story revolving around the character then I will start plotting.

As for Soul Eater in particular, I may do it. However I will need to look more into their personality (rewatch the series and read the manga again) and see what they'll do around a beautiful girl such as yourself.

So to answer the question; maybe.

Q.5) Will there be a lemon in the honeymoon? ~

A.5) Keeping it PG in here, so no. The honeymoon will be unforgettable but not in that definition, my friend.

Q.6) would you ever consider making a third book in the future or will you keep making O.V.A's?
Um 2nd question will you make another Bill Cipher X reader story by any chance? ~

A.6) I'd rather make more OVA's but they won't last long. I would like at max 10 OVA's, however, they usually last around 5 or 6. I can't make a third, I feel it will drag the story.

As for your second question, I will be making another Bill Cipher x Reader. It's similar to this one but...a little better. Let's just say Bill will be a little more immature than how he was back when he first met you in the first book.

Q.7) Bill do you want your child to be a boy or a girl? or do you want to have twins? ~

A.7) Bill wants as many kids as possible, he doesn't care what gender. As you read earlier, he wants the minimum to be 4.

Q.8) For the Q and A: (y/n), do you want a boy or a girl? Or maybe even twins? ~

A.8) The Reader wants twins.

Q.9) For the Q and A: How is training going for Y/n? ~

A.9) You have adapted to your flames, training is no longer necessary.

Q.10) Q: how did you get the idea of A Demons Love? ~

A.10) Well, I was reading lots of Bill Cipher x Reader stories, and I noticed most of them were all based off of the Reader moving into Gravity Falls because they want to see the mysteries and all that.

I noticed lots of stories don't have character development as well, trying not to be mean on that tho--

So then it came to me, how would a sadistic demon react to a girl who has been through so much crap?

Originally I was going to have the reader going through abuse, bullying, and all that. However as I was planning the Reader's story, I got into 3 Days to Live, a show by Oxygen that was about kidnapping. I also got addicted to Law and Order Special Victims Unit, which is mainly concerned on rape, kidnapping, so on and so forth.

Because of those shows, I changed my mind and targeted the Reader to go through emotional abuse and rape from the father.

After weeks of planning I managed to write A Demon's Love and well here we are.

Q.11) Q: how did you get into gravity falls? ~

A.11) I have heard about Gravity Falls for a long time but I didn't really invest into it until my cousin kept talking about it. That's when I started to actually watch the series and then boom. We're over here.

That's all the questions I received. Should there be more questions I will answer them through comments.

Thank you all <3

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