~Chapter 19~

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David slammed the whip against the King in attempt to whack him - which soon failed when the 11 foot long whip seized once more. The King's whip surged through David, wrapping around the Demon's body and tightened the grip, the gap immediately closed shut. Black blood seethed through David's arms as he tried his best to hold back a scream. The King yanked David forward and threw him to a tree which broke within contact from David. The air was knocked out of David's lungs and a large crack was heard from the man's back. The whip yanked him forward and into another tree.

"...Geez you're boring.." The King mumbled, watching the whips play with him as if he's a ragdoll.

It wasn't long before David was covered in blood, his back almost snapped in half, his arms and legs almost separated from his body. Earlier after Bill left, David tried to attack the King and treat him like a ragdoll. The only thing David could do before he was treated like a ragdoll was a small scratch on King Percy's arm.

"...Maybe it's boring because of the whips?" King Percy asked himself, raising an eyebrow. He snapped his fingers and the whips disappeared. Unfortunately they disappeared when they were up in the air (the King didn't really care though). So David took a fall to the broken wood on the floor. King Percy tilted his head as he noticed David wasn't getting up.

"Hey." King Percy called out, "What happened to you saying it'd be easy to finish me off?" He asked with a smirk. "You were all confident on my defeat, what happened? Where'd that confidence go?" King Percy asked and got no response. King Percy shrugged,

"..You're one boring guy." King Percy mumbled and snapped his fingers once more, as 2 tall figures emerged from his red flames. "Geez I was so excited on the way here, I mean I heard from my little pawn - who you got rid of - you're hella strong." King Percy whined, "All fired up for nothing. It's like that time where (y/n) showed me her weak-ass whips." He mumbled and pointed at David. The 2 figures roared and dashed towards David to finish him off. However 4 black snakes lunged at the 2 figures - 2 on one, and 2 on the other. King Percy perked up and stared at his own creations being taken down by 5 foot snakes. His attention was soon averted when David shifted and slowly got up from the wood. He spat out some black blood from his mouth. David was literally covered in black blood, his eyes shining with death.

"...you look like a mess." King Percy smirked, "Wonder what happened~."

"...Same to you." David smirked and snapped his fingers. The 4 snakes that took down the King's figures lunged at the King. All 4 bit both his arms and legs. The snakes sudden attack had the King to the ground. They bit hard, the King admitted it. The snakes soon formed into 10 black widows with the size of half a person. King Percy blinked and stared at the black spiders glaring at him. Wow...he can morph his flames into different animals?

His thoughts were interrupted when those spiders bit him. Hard. The King gritted his teeth, his fists clenched. David felt rather amused seeing the King down like that. David slowly reached out to the King and made a fist. The spiders vanished, and the fire combined into one big blob which grabbed the King.

"...Now...it's my turn." David smiled wide, "Now my little ragdoll, let's play~"

And with that, the King was thrown across twice as much as what David's been through. David started laughing, quickly averting his fist all over the battlefield - even to the truck.

"How does it feel..." His voice surged with pure insanity, "Tell me 'Your Majesty'" His voice mocked the King, speaking like a child with the words 'Your Majesty'. His eyes lit up each time blood escaped the King's body. With each cut made, the black flames would enter his body and burn down the King's blood. Though there was one thing which concerned David. Throughout the entire time, The King didn't make a noise. He didn't seem hurt.

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