~Chapter 6~

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"And my little pawn found out that that group is an occult." He looked into your eyes, "...And they found out that David is your father."

"How did they.." You were shocked,

"If my pawn were to ask that question, their cover would be blown." He answered, "And...this may seem unsettling." He shifted a little.

"...They are trying to bring David back, and they need you for your blood."

Silence filled the room soon after he said those words. People are trying to resurrect David? Why?!

"What is their motive?" You asked

"That's what my pawn is trying to figure out, without getting caught that is." The King sighed,

"They're smart." A counselor spoke, "One person walked in thinking its some sort of Halloween party. When they talked about David, he asked of who he is....and....well...his family is still asking of his whereabouts."

"His...his family is still.."

"And he went missing a month ago." The counselor sighed, "So we are trying to prevent that to our spy."

"They are strict, indeed they are." Another counselor added.

"So...So how is the spy getting away with it?"

"He sneaked his way in and used the information we have."

"And that is?"

"He said 'David' and they let him in." A counselor rolled his eyes, "They'd let anyone in if the name 'David' comes out of the mouth."

"And that is what makes it entertaining for me~" King Percy twiddled his fingers. "I mean, come on. They claim they're smart but they'd let anyone in if David is mentioned. Pathetic right?" King Percy looked at the counselors, then looked at you

"Well, that's all we have for now. I'd advise you don't leave this castle without supervision - extreme, supervision." The King advised, "Other than that you should be fine."

"O-Okay, thank you your Majesty." You turned around to see a guard ready to escort you. As you walked with him, you thought of something.

"...By the way, my King?" You looked at the King.


"Did you...ever stop by the room where I was earlier?" You asked. King Percy raised an eyebrow,

"...I came to get you earlier, yes."

"I know that. But did you come much earlier?" You asked,

"....I was busy up until now." King Percy answered, "Why do you ask?"

"...Nothing." You shook your head, "Don't worry about it."

"Okay." King Percy shrugged his shoulders, "if you say so."

And so the doors open, as you and the guard left. You glance over to see the King smirking at you, appearing to be chuckling.

And the doors closed shut.

~ ~

You bit your lip, following the guard.

"You okay?" The guard asked,

"Oh, yes." You nodded, "I'm fine."

"A lot must've gotten in your head." He referred to David's possible return. "Don't worry, I don't think the King will let it happen."

"What makes you so confident?" You asked

"The King may appear all cruel in such, as Bill told you, however inside the King is really the opposite." The guard spoke, "He is kind at heart, mean by flesh."

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