~Chapter 35~

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The moment he turned Weirdmaggedon, Stanford bolted to Percy and looked at Stanley,

"Stan, call medical assistance and (y/n) ASAP."

"Oka- Wait, (y/n) too?!" Stanley stared at his brother in confusion and shock.

"Out of all of us besides his father, (y/n) can get to his senses!" Stanford responded.

"Psshh Bill got this right-"

A loud, inhuman scream was heard deep in the forest where David fled in.


"He's losing humanity as we speak, Stan." Stanford seethed, "Go get (y/n)!"

"Don't have to tell me more than once pal." Stanley bolted out of the battlefield and aimed for the castle.


Mabel has returned and she was never left alone. Dipper was all over her ever since she came back, and if anyone looked at her he'd give them a cold stare. Meanwhile, you've been worried sick about Bill and Percy. One of the main reasons why you feared for Percy was because Bill figured out Percy's intentions on fixing the issue.

~an hour ago~

When Bill returned from Percy, he remained silent. He sat on the bed, his head rested on his hands as his mind lay elsewhere. He seemed to be completely invested in his thoughts because when you tried to talk to him he didn't respond. After a couple of tries, you decided to give him space for him to think things through. Meanwhile, Dipper was staring at the ground in silence. If anyone looked at him they'd think he's dead.

So it was pure silence for a good 5 minutes until shouting was heard.

"Get the bandages!"

"Provide her some stitches some cuts are too deep."

Such phrases caused alarm in all 3 of you. Bill looked at the door with alarm and Dipper finally looked up with tears in his eyes,

"Mabel-" He squeaked and ran out the room.

"Dipper!" You screamed and ran after him. You went out the room and followed Dipper down the hall and in the infirmary. There on the spot being given medical treatment

Was Mabel.

She's alive and back.

You made a pit stop and stared at Mabel with wide eyes. Dipper bolted to his sister, through the nurses and hugged Mabel tight with tears flowing from his eyes.

"I-I-I am so s-s-sorry Mabel." Dipper whimpered as his voice trembled. "I-I shouldn't h-have talked to you like that a-and I-"

"It's okay mah bro." Mabel patted his back with tears forming in her eyes. "I-It's okay."

Your hands covered your mouth as tears started to form in your eyes. You felt a presence behind you and held you close. Of course, you knew who it was because you recognized it almost immediately. You leaned against Bill lightly,

"...if Mabel is here then-"

"Mabel." Bill called her, "What happened over there?" He asked

"Well...it was sort of a blur. I passed out and the next thing I knew I was tied up all cut in stuff." Mabel explained, "And David pulled me over to this forest and started talking."

"talking about what?"

"Something about the little game he played against us," Mabel answered. Bill perked up,

"...He said what?"

"He said that he can't wait to finish the game." Mabel summarized.

"...Oh shit." Bill started to run off the infirmary,

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