~Chapter 15~

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The doctor highly recommended you staying with Bill because he wanted you to be there when Bill wakes up.

"I'm sure Bill would rather see you than me." The doctor explained.

So now you're here, sitting in silence beside the sleeping prince.

The poisoned prince.

You did not expect the next attack so soon. However since Theo was behind all of this, you could see how fast the next attack can place.

"Adviser" Theo has been on the run since the discovery. He has been on wanted posters all over the kingdom.

He wasn't even an adviser to begin with.

Guards were investigating his office, and found a corpse in the closet.

The real adviser.

"Adviser" Theo is actually a cult member to begin with - what King Percy thinks. He also thinks in order to get to you closer, he purged nightmares in your head to have you come to him.

It was a clever idea, King Percy admitted it. No one suspected him. The main reason why he got away with it up until now, was because he drugged Counselor Sartho, making him suspicious rather than himself. If he didn't have that 'extraordinary' obsession, he would still be around the kingdom, pretending to be an adviser.

"Wouldn't he still be here though?" You asked the King, "I mean, he still needs my blood."

"....Maybe." The King looked down for a second, then looked back at you. "But at the same time, maybe he doesn't."

So it lead to the King being urgent on you staying in the room. He had 2 guards stand outside the door. You asked about the patio outside, but he gave you a smug look, saying

"Don't worry about that."

Oh you are going to worry. Especially with the look he gave you.

The doctor instructed you once in a while change the towel on Bill's forehead. He told you the water majorly aides in Bill's recovery.

You lifted the towel off Bill's head. While rinsing it, your brain smashed down serious thoughts.

For example, was Theo responsible for Pyronica's death? He did in fact walk by and ask where you and Bill were heading off. To add on, if you recall, Bill told Theo that he would be with a couple of friends. But there was no way Theo could've gotten there before you and Bill.

Maybe he had an accomplice?

You soaked the towel and placed it gently on Bill's forehead.

It would make more sense if Theo had an accomplice. Otherwise, the public would be screaming on why an Adviser is out of the castle is out walking away from kingdom grounds. But here is a thought.

So if Theo was behind this, and the one giving you nightmares, he should be the one having black flames. But the one who killed Pyronica had black flames as well. So how is this 'accomplice' thought going to work? You decided to think the entire scene again with Pyronica, as much as you didn't want to. Your mind flashed over to when you found Pyronica in the hands of the monster and burned to ashes. By the thought of the scene caused you to flinch. Your brain then processed you about to attack the man, showing you the man's appearance.

The look was completely different.

You snapped back at reality, if the man was different, then how is it that he had black flames? Your hands dug in your own hair as you thought this through. It was so confusing it frustrated you. Why isn't there someone who can spill the beans?

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