~Chapter 25~

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After having the Mystery Twins escorted out the forbidden room, you and Percy were left alone in silence.

"...She's beautiful." You broke the silence by complimenting Percy's late wife.

"She is indeed." Percy nodded his head and stared at the painting. "Gorgeous in person." He murmured.

"...K-King Percy." You took a breath and looked at him, "..Do you hate-"

"I said call me Percy." Percy stared at you. "You have no need to call me 'king'."

"...Do you hate humans because of what they did?" You asked. Percy clenched his fists and looked at the painting. He nodded slowly.

"They tried to sell my son." He mumbled, "Humans are nothing but greed. If they want something, they'll grab it, no matter who they are." He gritted his teeth, "If they see something that can grant them pleasure and glory, they'll stop at nothing to take it. Even if it comes to murder."

"...That may be the case, but not all of them are like that." You shook your head,

"Oh really." He rolled his eye, "Tell me one person who isn't full of greed-"

"Me." You pointed at yourself, "I was a human for 16 and a half years, am I full of greed?" You asked. "Have I ever done anything cruel to obtain what I want?" You asked and received silence.

"Ask those questions to yourself, but instead of asking about you, ask about David." Percy answered. "What did he want."

"...He wanted me." You answered,

"And did he do anything cruel to get what he wanted?" He asked


"What did he do." He crossed his arms.

"He killed my mother and my grandmother." You answered with your voice beginning to tremble. "And he nearly killed your son in the process!" You clenched your fists, "...I know, there are humans who are greedy and selfish. But there are many who are the opposite! They never would harm a fly!"

"But they would harm something that has a better advantage than any ordinary human." Percy narrowed his eye. "If they see that someone has a better life, they will ruin the lives of the better so they could feel better themselves."

"And where is your proof?" You asked, narrowing your eyes, "Have you met any human who tried to ruin someone else's for their own happiness?"

"A gang killed my wife so they can get rich." Percy growled.

"But did they get their happiness in the end?" You asked, "You killed them all within seconds, right?"

"If I didn't come, they would've gotten what they wanted."

"Are you telling me you wouldn't follow your wife if she went missing?" You raised an eyebrow. Percy went silent. "...Percy. I understand why you're mad at humans. Some did a horrible thing to your love. But that doesn't mean every single being in that world has the same malice as them." You shook your head, "Yes, I admit, there are some who do. I mean, if everyone didn't have the malice, David would be a nice father." You bit your lip, "But, just because some do, doesn't mean everyone else does. You can't classify everyone as evil until they confirm it." You tried to reason with him. Percy was silent and stared at the portrait of his wife.

"..Please, consider my words." You took a sigh, "These humans who came into your castle, they are here to help us kill this Demon lingering around and spreading his disease." You spoke, "They've been through him before, and knowing them, they will do it again. Trust me, these guys are made of pure good and virtue." You turned around and headed out the door. "I'll...I'll give you some time to think. Please think before they decide to leave." And with that you closed the door behind you to leave Percy thinking. You leaned against the door and took a deep breath. It was a deep conversation you had with him. You never saw him so serious before. Well, except his little talk with you when you were being a selfish person. You pushed yourself away from the door and walked down the hall and into the waiting room to see Dipper and Mabel with Stanley, Stanford, and Bill.

"There you are." Stanley seemed impatient,"What happened with ol' yeller?" He asked

"Oh, nothing." You shook your head, "Nothing really happened. We just talked."

"Talked about what?" Bill asked,

"Well, it was mainly me trying to convince Percy to have you help us." You shrugged your shoulders. It wasn't a lie there.

"Well, kiddo it's no use." Stanley sighed.

"The counsel seemed to follow King Percy no matter what." Stanford explained to you, "Unfortunately we have to leave."

"What!?" You gasped, "N-No! I want you guys to help us!"

"I know, I want to help you guys too." Stanford nodded, "But we can't force others to have us stay here."

"Trust me sweetie I am angry too." Bill spoke softly, "Again, to all, I apologize for his actions to you. I don't know why he got all angry like that on you."

"It's okay Bill, at least we tried." Stanley patted Bill's back. You, Mabel and Dipper exchanged looks.

"Well, it was nice to see you all again, well, without anything bad happening in a way." Stanford sighed and gave a pat on your back. Mabel jumped on you with tears.

"I hope that you manage to take care of him." She whispered.

"I wish you could stand beside me." You whispered in return.

"...Wait." an unknown yet familiar voice rang through the room. All attention was sent to the source.

"...You come to help, right?" Percy asked.

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty." Stanford nodded his head. "But if you don't want to-"

"We saved rooms for you all to reside in until this foul Demon is gone for good." Percy spoke firmly, "Also a meeting will be held in about a couple of hours, so you 2." He glanced at Stanford and Stanley, "Don't be late."

. . .

"THANK YOU!" Mabel glomped on Percy with glee. Everyone turned pale on Mabel's action, yet the same emotion surged through the veins. Percy merely sighed and patted her head.

"W-We'll show you we can do this!" Mabel mumbled as she trembled with joy.

"King Percy." a knight came in, "I have news."

"What news?" Percy asked

"....It's David." The knight murmured, "..You gotta see this."

//I see this chapter is somewhat short. I apologize :(

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