~Chapter 16~

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So what was the verdict?

You decided to go to the party.

You figured this would be a nice way to calm down after all what happened earlier. Although a concern you had was Bill's condition. At first, Bill proposed that only you'd go to the party. It wasn't long before Bill took back his word.

"IIII....dunno what's wrong with me sunshine." Bill flopped back to his bed and groaned. ".....My head is all over the place 'nd I speak what I first think without realizing." His eye closed shut as he spoke, taking a deep breath. You quietly sat beside him, your hands tied together. Bill's arm slithered over to your lap as a knock was heard from the door. You turned your head to see the doctor open the door.

"Hello hello~! How is everything?" The doctor peeked in with a nice smile on his face.

"Doctor!" You gave him a small smile, "He just woke up!"

"Oh? He certainly doesn't look awake." The doctor glanced at the prince. You blinked, looking over to see Bill - yet again - not waking up

"Aha, must be the medication I gave him." The doctor sighed, putting his suitcase on the bed and opened it. "He must've woke up too early."

So that explains Bill's sudden 'fanboying' phase from earlier....

"Hmm.." The doctor examined the sleeping prince. "He seems to be recovering well."

"R-Really?" You perked up. The doctor nodded,


"S-So can he walk around in stuff?" You asked

"Well, yes." He nodded, "But he can't use his flames too much. And there are times where he needs to sit down and take good breaths." He explained while taking the water bowl. "Basically the usual restrictions for someone sick n all." He shrugged his shoulders, "let me get new water."

"That's...great." You clasped your hands together.

"Why? Got a date?" The doctor smirked. You bit your lip and shook your head.

"Nope. There is a party that Bill and I got invited to. We just got the invitation just now."

"A party?" The doctor raised an eyebrow, "Host?"

"A good friend of mine in the other dimension."




"Yes. I-Is it recommended?"

"....Well, as long as Bill doesn't use his flames too much, which shouldn't be a worry. Bill also has to take a few breathers from time to time. The poison is still in his system, so there will be times where he has to lie down for a few." The doctor explained.

Ooh boy... You rubbed the back of your neck. If it resorts to that then everyone will find out what's going on...

"Will Bill know if he needs to lie down?"

"Depends on how he is to you. He should know, but he may not tell you. So you would have to find out. In order to know, he would appear to have you as support for keeping him standing. To add on, his breaths may get ragged." explained the Doctor, "But other than that you and Bill should be fine at the party." The doctor headed to the door, "Have fun." He smiled and closed the door.

You sat down, humming to yourself and held Bill's hand gently. You hoped you would have fun. Maybe this party can be a small break from what's happening.

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