OVA: School Visit

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It was only a few weeks before your marriage and you decided to visit your hometown. Bill questioned why and you told him you want to visit the school. You felt it was necessary for you, besides, your mother took you close to summertime, so imagine how the school reacted to your disappearance. You wouldn't mind having the Pines Family come in and see your hometown, but they were occupied helping Percy with the wedding....especially Mabel. You told Bill of the idea but Bill shook his head,

"They have been with us since...well ever since." Bill groaned, "Let's go together."

"Aw, okay." You shrugged and went to tell Percy.

"Percy, Bill and I are going to-"

"Don't care." Percy interrupted.

"....Okay then." You wheeled around with your heels and went to Bill.

"...He didn't care, did he." Bill raised an eyebrow,

"Nope." You shook your head, "Can we at least tell the Pines Family?"

"...Fine." Bill nodded and watched you head to where the Pines Family were,

"Hey guys, we'll be going to-"

"Go." Mabel turned around, "You guys go crazy ."

".....Uh....Okay." You wheeled around and walked to Bill.

"....She said what?" Bill asked with wide eyes,

"...She said 'go crazy'." You quoted her words, "What does that mean?"

"....You'll know later in the future." Bill responded with a smirk, "Let's go."

"Oookay," You blinked and took his hand. "Let's go."

And with that, you and Bill headed over to your hometown.

"Honestly, I never expected you would take me over to your hometown." Bill hummed,

"Really?" You looked at Bill, "Why would you think that?"

"Well gee, I dunno." Bill gave you a dead-panned look, "When I first met you, you were very secretive and cruel."

"Coming from the one who gave me a nightmare with clowns." You rolled your eyes,

"You were lazy to draw me." Bill gasped,

"I did draw you." You looked at him,

"Okay, drawing me while I was asleep doesn't count-"

"I drew you much later on after that, remember?" You raised an eyebrow and watched him bit his lip.

"....You gotta admit, the clowns were pretty cool."

"Pretty cool?" You quoted, "Boooiiii."

"Whaatt?" Bill chuckled, "It was!"

"To you!" You shrieked, "It was horrible to me!"

"But that means it was cool." Bill pointed out and you halted for 2 seconds.

"You see?"

".....you still did that." You mumbled and listened to Bill laugh. He laughed and wrapped an arm around your neck

"So, do you have any memories over here?" Bill asked and looked around,

"Well...I was stuck in the house the whole time besides school, so I don't have many memories...well...good ones," You responded, "

"Ah...well how about school?" Bill asked, "Besides your stupid friend-"

"Well, mind you (b/f/n) was a good person....David ruined our relationship." You corrected him.

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