~Chapter 5~

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"...I would like to speak with you." King Percy Cipher, father of Bill Cipher, spoke with you.

In person. Exactly of what the maiden warned.

You bolted out of the bed, giving a bow.

"Y-Your Majesty.." You were in shock. You never knew that the king himself would pop out of no where - especially right after Bill's leave.

"You seem surprised." King Percy tilted his head - his voice held amusement.

"Y-Yes, I didn't know you'd appear soon after Bill left." You nodded, looking at him.

"Well, it's like he said; 'I am full of surprises', right?" He quoted Bill's statement - his eye rolled in the process.

"Anyway!" The King clasped his hands together, "I want you to come with me."

"To where, may I ask?"

"The Throne Room?" The King raised an eyebrow - it was as if you should've known where he was taking you. "Where else?"

"O-Oh, yes." You nodded your head, getting up to leave the room. The King had you leave first, as he calmly escorted you to the Throne Room.

Holy shit, the King himself is here and taking you to the Throne Room.

You could sense amusement while he was escorting you to the room.

Bill warned you of what he could do.

"...He messes with everyone's mind with his questions."

Just what is he going to ask you, that has Bill so afraid?

You gulped, as the King had you stop in front of 2 grand doors. On either side had guards bowing and opening the doors. The King stood next to you, his hands crossed.

The Throne Room was quite massive. Even with the 2 throne chairs, there were some chairs - accompanied by a series of demons. They must be the counselors.

The King's Son was standing in the middle, glaring at his father.

"...What's with that look?" King Percy asked, frowning.

"...What are you doing." Bill clenched his fists,

"What am I doing? Standing." The King answered. ( )

"No, what are you doing with her." Bill hissed

"..What? Didn't she tell you that I'd come in person if she doesn't come with you?"

"...How did you kn-"

"I was standing right there." The King rolled his eyes. "How did you not see me? Do you need an eye checkup?" ( )

"You little fu-"

"Excuse you, we have a lady in the area." The King covered your ears, gasping.

"Get your filthy hands off of her." Bill hissed

"I washed my hands, so they aren't filthy." The King shrugged, raising an eyebrow. ( )

"Anyways, can you go now?" The King asked, "I want to talk to her in private."

"Hell no." Bill chuckled just a little, smiling wide. "You honestly think I would let you talk to her alone?"

"...Well I did, yeah." Bill's father nodded his head.

"Well guess what, I am not moving. If you're going to talk to her, you're going to have to talk to her with me." Bill crossed his arms. "I am not letting you be with her alone - not even for a second."

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