Q/A 2!

153 4 1

Percy cracks his knuckles with a smirk, "Let's see what y'all are asking for-"

Q.1) [I don't know where to ask questions so imma just ask right here in the comments]
Percy, why are you my favorite character? ~

A.1) Percy gave a small chuckle and moved his face to the side. He flipped his hair at you, "Cause I am~....also what a username you have..."

Q.2) Percy! You ever visited Gravity Falls? *da look of curiousness *. ~

A.2) Percy sighed, "Well, technically I have. Remember when David took (y/n) and I came in and fought with him? Besides that, I haven't really been at Gravity Falls. Although Mabel wants to take me there for her tour." He shrugged, "I don't want to go but at the same time I do."

Q.3) 1. Goddamit Percy, why ya gotta be so cute? (Like you aren't my most favorite, but still a favorite)
2. What would be your reaction if you met my Oc Brooke? ()
3. Have you ever actually wanted to visit Gravity Falls?
4. (Holy sheit I have so many questions XD) How many grandchildren do you want? -w-
5. I dare you to search up 'Bill Cipher Memes' XD tell me your reaction. ~

A.3) Percy stared at the questions in shock, "....that's a lot of questions...."
And you're gonna answer all of them ya prick
Percy sneered at the Author and turned back to Starlite, "1. I am not cute. I am handsome," He held one finger, "2...." He looked at the picture, "....well, the drawing is pretty neat...what is she like-" He reads the bio in the description, "...hm, I am going to assume here, her crush is my son? Hah, I know, I know, Bill is 'sexy' in all, but remember," He flipped his hair with a smirk, "He got the looks from me~"
"3. No, before-hand, I wanted nothing to do with the human world. Now, as mentioned before, Mabel wants to take me there for her tour. I dunno if I should go.."
Ya should
"You're not the boss of me." Percy sneered,
"Continuing....4. I want like, 20, and I told you and Bill that once.....Hehe...Bill turned rose pink." Percy laughed to himself, "You were like, completely red and told me that's not possible. So I have to narrow it down to like, 5."
"spEAKING OF 5! 5. Ooh boy..." Percy cracks his knuckles and goes on his laptop. He types what Starlite has asked him to search and stares at the monitor. "...Oh my God he does look like a Dorito." He blinks, "In actual reality, I never saw him in this form. I know each dream demon takes a shape when they please, but oh - this is an embarrassment." Percy slammed his head against the table, "He goes around as a meme and I can't!?"

Q.4) OOOIHHHH THIS CHAPTER IS SOO GOOD!!!!!! Percy I gotta question XD! What do you think about having a fan base!? ~

A.4) awww thank you love!
"I love my fanbase as much as I love myself." Percy answered, "It's all the truth."

Q.5) PERCY Q&A WOOOO! I have one question only: Where did you learn to be so bada$$? ~

A.5) "OH!" Percy squeaked, "I KNOW THIS PERSON!"
You do?
"YEAH! I read her comments, she does that small role-play in the comment section, right?" Percy looked at the Author,
Yeah, she does.
"I knew it." Percy smirked to himself, "To answer your question, I was born with it." He put on shades, "never learned, born with it."
Is that my shades?
"Yes it is." Percy nodded with no hesitation..

Q.6) question for percy: 1 why are you so cool? and 2 flip i for got what my seconed question was but 3 can you be my friend? ~

A.6) Percy blinked, "I just am cool, I'm DADDY COOOO-"
Shut up.
"Ahaa...I'm old. Anyway, as for your second question - I can't answer. Your third, well, I don't really know you....but I mean....sure?" Percy shrugged.

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