~Chapter 2~

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"So you had another nightmare?" Pyronica asked, a bit saddened. You slowly nodded your head, your hands rubbed your arms gently.

"Yeah...this time it was....different than before." You answered

"How so?"

"I was running from this black flame, and it got me." You summarized.

"Oh jeez."

"It felt so real too." You shivered. Just remembering that burning sensation had you trembling.

"So this fire got to you, what did it do?" Pyronica asked

"It got inside of me." You felt nauseated by saying that. Pyronica's face scrunched up, before shivering.


"I know." You nodded, "To add on, it had this disoriented voice." You bit your lip.

"What did it say?"

"That I couldn't run away from it." You answered

"Yeesh, these nightmares show no mercy."

"I know right." You rolled your eyes.

"Did Bill take you to the adviser about that?" Pyronica asked, watching you nod your head.


"What did he say?" Pyronica asked, before receiving silence. Her eye narrowed.

"This can't be good."

"it isn't." You spoke softly, tensing up.

~ ~

"So you were running away from flames, and it caught you." The adviser watched you nod.


"What did it do once it caught you?"

"It...." You gulped, "..It forcibly went into my body."

"It did?" The adviser raised an eyebrow. "Is that it?"

"N-No." You shook your head, "It could talk."

"...Let me get this straight.." The adviser straightened up on his chair. "...You mean to tell me, this flame was chasing you.." He paused, watching you nod, "...And you weren't running fast enough, which lead to the flame grabbing you.." He paused again, watching you nod. "....and it could talk?" He asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Exactly." You nodded your head.

"...Extraordinary.." He gasped softly, "And...what did it say? In exact words if you remember them." The adviser asked.

"...'You can never escape'." You recalled the words. As if you can forget those words anytime soon.

"...What color were the flames?" The adviser asked, looking serious now. You gulped, hesitant on saying the color.

"...black." You whispered

"Pardon? I couldn't hear you."

"Black." You spoke more clear?"

"Black flames?" The adviser asked, leaning back on his chair, biting his lip.

"Does that signify anything?" You ask, as the adviser hesitated, just a little. An eerie silence filled the room.

"...Miss, the color black signifies pure malice, even death."

~ ~
"Jeeezzz." Pyronica gasped

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