~Chapter 23~

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Your hands were trembling as you walked back to the castle. That was one of the most intense moments you ever been in since Bill was close to death way back. You sneaked your way back into the castle and hoped Bill wasn't done with his long conference. What you did was a spontaneous act. Even if you felt some achievement in your action, you felt it was somewhat wrong on not telling Bill your little plan. But then again, how would Bill react if you told him you wanted to confront David?

Not a nice one I can promise you that.

So in the end, is your spontaneous action a good thing or a bad thing? In the end you did feel some sort of accomplishment but is it worth it? You felt somewhat awful for not telling Bill your little talk with the worst dad ever. Oh well, you decided not to tell Bill of your little act. You walked over to the room and opened the door to see Bill looking out in the balcony, panicked.

"Bill! What happened?" just play along, maybe he exited the conference and wanted to look for you. "You missed me a room ago," You pointed to the room down the hall, "How could you not hear my giggle-" You were soon interrupted by Bill running and hugging you tight. Well this is new.


"...Thank goodness.." He whispered, "I thought you were..."

"Were what?" You asked,

"...Mm nevermind." Bill released you and pinched your cheeks while frowning. "What upsets me is how you managed to hide good from me this time."

"Well whoops." You smirked, "I guess I get more experience the more I do this."

"Well darn I gotta find more good lines.." Bill's frown turned to a smirk as he released your cheeks.

"How was the conference?"

"Boring as usual." Bill rolled his eye, "I mean come on, what else is new?"

"Why am I not surprised." You crossed your arms.

"It was so boring trust me." Bill nodded his head and yanked you over to the bed, "Maybe you can amuse me in some way."

"Define amusement." You yelped as you made contact with the sheets.

"I dunno." Bill hopped on the bed, right next to you. "How do you define 'amusement'?"

"There are a lot of definitions of amusement, actually." You reached for your monitor, "Let's see the definitions."

"The hell (y/n)." Bill laughed, "You are seriously looking up amusement?"

"Well as far as I know, amusement is a synonym for entertainment"

"Well what do you find entertaining?" Bill asked,

"a lot of things." You looked at the ceiling. "Going out for a stroll in the park..."

"That is what you call entertaining?" Bill raised an eyebrow,

"Well you never know what happens in the park." You rolled your eyes.

"What can happen in a park babe?" Bill asked as he flopped to his stomach, his head rested on his hands. You sat up and shrugged,

"I dunno, lots of things?" You honestly had no idea where this conversation is going.

"You suck at explanations." Bill stuck out his tongue. You frowned at Bill,

"Then you tell me what is amusement."

"You singing, seeing your reactions to almost everything...you stuttering...you acting cute.." Bill seemed to respond almost immediately. You looked at Bill, shocked at his immediate response.

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