29. El paso

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POV Shawn

I'm backstage with my friends and Khalid. We're about to perform at El Paso in Texas. I'm not as nervous as normal, but that's probably because I talk with my friends about Indy. "Yea she's amazing. This afternoon we cuddled and layed in bed together. Nathan was sleeping in his own bed so we had some time together before I had to leave you know." I tell them. "She's just wonderful. I've got no other words for her."

Then Khalid puts his hand on my shoulder. "Man, before I forget, I heard she's pregnant again, is it true?" I nod like a proud peacock. "Yes, she is pregnant again man." Khalid claps his hands and gives me a hug. "Congratulations man!" I laugh and feel nothing but happiness. "How do you know?" I ask him. We didn't announce it yet, so he must've heard it from someone. "I heard it via via, but it won't be long before the press gets the air out of it." He says. "I know. We'll announce it soon." He nods and has a huge smile on his face. "You are now becoming a mature man, damn it."

"Shawn, Khalid are you ready?" One of the organisators of El Paso asks. Khalid nods, but suddenly I feel very nervous. For the first time ever since Indy isn't at my concert to help and support me. "I have to make a quick phone call." Andrew looks at me with an open mouth. "Are you crazy? You've to be on stage in three minutes." He says while watching his clock. I nod and tap Indy's number on my phone. "I know, I'll be there on time." Andrew leaves me with difficulty to call. I still hear him swear, but I don't really care much about it. I just need to hear Indy's voice now.

"Shawn, what's wrong?" I laugh when she hears her voice. "Nothing's wrong ... I just needed to hear your voice." She laughs and says that I can now hear her voice. "Apparently we drove to Texas in one go. The performance with Khalid is here, I misunderstood it." She makes an understanding sound with her troath. "I miss you here with me." I admit. "I miss you too, Mendes. But you'll be great on that stage."

"Thank you, that really helped. I've to go again, but I love you." I can feel her smile through the phone. That amazing smile of hers. I fall more in love with her everything she smiles. And Nathan has the same smile. "I love you too, Mendes. I'm watching your performance from the first row with our babyboy." We blow a kiss through the phone and then she wishes me even more success. "Bye." I put my phone in my pocket and walk confidently to the stage. "Let's do this." I tell Khalid and Andrew. "We got this!"

"Hello Texas!" I yell while running up the stage. After I do a little speech, Khalid joins me on stage. We hug and the crowd starts screaming loudly. I grab my guitar and my and my band start playing.

"Here I am, stuck on this couch. Scrolling through my notes. Heart was broken, still not growing, nah." Khalid sings. I look around me for a second. The stage is beautiful with purple leaves on the back. The crowd starts screaming and I'm looking at them now. This moment, I'm still not used to it. And I never will.

"Waking up to headlines. Filled with devastation again. My heart is broken, but I keep going." I sing. The crowd screams even more than before. "Pain, but I won't let it turn into hate. No, I won't let it change me. Never losing sight of the one I keep inside. Now, I know it. Yeah, I know it."

"You can't take my youth away. This soul of mine will never break. As long as I wake up today. You can't take my youth away." We sing together.



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When I come back from the stage and sung a couple songs I drink some water from a waterbottle Andrew threw at me. I look at my phone and open the messages Indy sent me. I'm proud of the picture she sends me and I show it to Mike. He gives me a small punch on my scholder. "Good job man, I'm proud of you."


Beautiful❤️: Couldn't you have left it somewhere that wasn't as visible as in my neck and on my chest?Shawn: What's the point if I can't make it visible for people to see what's mine?Beautiful❤️: Well I mean you can unless you realize your mom's v...

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Beautiful❤️: Couldn't you have left it somewhere that wasn't as visible as in my neck and on my chest?
Shawn: What's the point if I can't make it visible for people to see what's mine?
Beautiful❤️: Well I mean you can unless you realize your mom's visiting me tommorow
Beautiful❤️: And your dad
Shawn: OMG I completely forgot them
Shawn: My mom's gonna kill me for doing that to you
Beautiful❤️: I know hahahahaha
Shawn: You have to cover that up!
Shawn: Idk use your make-up or something
Beautiful❤️: So what music do you want on your funeral?
Shawn: But John Mayer sounds good to me
Beautiful❤️: All set, I'll fix it 😘
Beautiful❤️: How did the performance go?
Shawn: You didn't watch it?
Beautiful❤️: The internet stopped working so no sorry
Shawn: I'll send someone to fix it by tomorrow
Shawn: But it was amazing
Shawn: Like always
Shawn: There were purple lights and the crowd was so amazing. They sang everything with me
Beautiful❤️: I'm glad to hear that
Beautiful❤️: I'm sorry I'm not there with you
Shawn: It's okay. Just take care of our baby's
Shawn: Speaking of baby's
Shawn: We have to announce our baby soon 'cause there are some rumors already
Beautiful❤️: Oww am I that fat?
Shawn: No you're not beautiful
Shawn: Someone must've told the press
Beautiful❤️: We'll do it when you got home
Shawn: Yea, we'll see
Shawn: Good idea
Beautiful❤️: Nathan's crying so I've to go
Shawn: I love you! x
Beautiful❤️: I love you too❤️❤️

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