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POV Shawn

"Hey." I hear a familiar voice say. "Hey Lauren." I say bluntly. She really hurt me before, I just can't look at her.

"Listen, Shawn, I'm sorry." I roll my eyes and put my beer bottle on my lips. "Hard to believe." I tell her.

"I'm really sorry." I see her pout her lips and her breasts. "Don't even think about it. I'm married." I look at Indy who ended up in a conversation with Brian. God she looks amazing today.

"So?" She comes closer and presses me against the wall. "Go away, Lauren." I say with great difficulty. Fuck, she's sexy.

She gazes happily at my lips. I must admit that she has become sexy, but I love Indy and I would never betray her. "Leave me alone." I tell her compellingly.

"I know you like this, Shawn." She bites her lip and stare at me from under her long lashes. If I hadn't loved Indy, I would kiss her right now. "I don't, go now." She shrugs her shoulders, takes my drink out of my hand and takes a sip of it, gives it back and then goes back to her friends, hip-hopping.

I see that Indy is still talking to my friends, so I decide to go to the toilet.

On the toilet it really comes to me: I am an idiot, a huge drunk idiot. I look at my reflection in the large mirror in front of me. I look awful with that hair band in my hair and that's how I feel. Lauren had almost persuaded me to kiss her. I didn't show it, but God she almost convinced me.

"Stop," I whisper to myself, "you love Indy." I throw some water in my face and take a deep breath. I want to go to Indy.

Still drunk, I wobble to the place where Indy was still standing. "Indy you're beautiful." I tell her. I put my arms around her and give her a kiss in her neck.

"Shawn, don't fuck her here. You can take my room." Jokes Jon. I turn my eyes and laugh at Indy. "Shall we go then?" I ask her.

"Not now, handsome." She laughs at me. With her small hand she rubs my hair for a moment.

"Do you think I'm handsome?" I ask her. I knew I was her type, but this sounds great from her mouth. Especially when you've already drunk quite a bit. "Of course." She laughs at me.

"I really love you, Indy." I move a tuft of hair that hangs in front of her face to her ear. "I love you too." She says with a big smile. Her lips are so beautiful and they can do a good job. In short, I push my own on hers.

Even before I know it, I'm soaking wet. I look up and see Lauren standing. She holds an empty, red cup in her hand. "What the fuck, Lauren!" I shout at her.

He's Like Him [Part 2]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu