27. AMA's

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POV Shawn

"Indy hurry up!" I yell through the bathroomdoor. I'm so nervous for tonight. This is the first time Indy comes with me to an awardshow after our break up. "Yea, I'm almost ready!"

"Shall we go?" She asks me while walking through the door. My jaw litterally drops to the ground. "You look amazing!" I grab her hand and make her spin in front of me. Her dress is a little different. I picked it for her because I knew it would look good on her and I liked the diamonds on it. "I wished you would marry me right now." She starts laughing while grabbing her purse. "Shall we go?"

When we arrive at the AMA's I see a lot of people. Geoff and some other bodyguards are here with us tonight. I don't want anything to happen to Indy or our baby. "Shawn and Indy?!" Yells one of the people of the AMA's. Andrew explained me that we had to talk to her, every celebrity does. "Wow Indy you look amazing." She thanks the woman and makes a spin again. "And Shawn, you look handsome too." I start laughing while telling her Indy doesn't likes my socks. "What's wrong with your socks?" Indy immediatly grabs

"You're marrying tonight or what?" She jokes. "I wished." I tell her while thinking of my beautiful wife.

After a couple of interviews Indy and I got sepperated. I see Indy before the wall, which is film of logo's of sponsors, taking some pictures. That dress looks amazing on her. I can barely concentrate. 

I quicky run to her, take a picture, smile at her and walk away from her. Back to another interviewer.

👻ShawnMendes: If she isn't the prettiest woman alive I don't know it anymore

 -👻ShawnMendes: If she isn't the prettiest woman alive I don't know it anymore

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"You're here with Indy tonight, how does that feel after the last time?" The woman with short hair and a microphone asks me. "It's a little scary, but great. But I lost her a couple minutes ago." I start laughing for a moment and my eyes search for Indy. I want her to be safe. When I see her posing I know she's safe. Geoff give me a sign that he's watching her from a distance what makes me feel comfortable. "Everyone tries to interview her, but I'm glad she's here with me tonight and that she likes it."

"And how old is your son again?" I immediatly tell her he's five months old. "It's strange how the time's running he? I still know when I first heard you became a dad. I was actually preparing an interview with you, but you cancelled because Indy got into labor and now we're here." I start laughing while thinking of Nathan and his cute little smile. "Yea it's crazy. It all happened so fast." It feels like a day ago he was born. "How do you feel without him?" She asks.

"Yea, it's strange not to have him with me, but my sister and parents are babysitting him So He'd in good hands. I'll see him by tomorrow, so it's all fine." She thanks me, wishes me luck and stops the interview. After we said goodbye she walks to another celebrity.

I don't even have a five second pause, because another man with funny hair comes to me. I'm trying so hard not to laugh. "Hey Shawn, how are you?" He asks. I look around me for a second and see Indy talking to another woman of the AMA's. "Great man, thanks."

"So did you see indy in that dress tonight?" I start smiling while thinking of her in that dress. And without dress, no Shawn, concentrate. "Of course I did. Actually I choose it for her." I fall silent for a moment and look at her again. "And God." My heart starts beating faster because of her. I have to grab my heart because it feels like it's falling out of my body. The man in front of me starts laughing loudly. "She looks so good in it, right?" I smile while looking at her and see her walking to me. "Perfect." I tell him. "Well Shawn I won't disturb you any longer. Go to your wife." He nodds at Indy who's patiently waiting for me. "Thank you man, have a great night!"

"Hey beautiful." She smiles by my words. "We could leave. I wanna fuck you so bad." I softly touch her hips what makes her bite her lips. "I would love to, but you have some awards to win." I kiss her forehead. "You don't know that."

"Oh I do."

He's Like Him [Part 2]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu