|39| Annoying Alice 102

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Chapter Thirty-Nine:
Annoying Alice 102

    "Please," she begged as if her life depended on it, "if you have ever cared about me being your sister, you will let me do this!"

    "Alice, last time I let you try it, the living room was wrecked. Why would I put myself through that again?"

    "'Wrecked!' The living room was not 'wrecked,' it was messily organised at most." Alice shot back at Luci, they had been arguing for three hours now and Lucinda had a stronger will than Aloce had originally thought.

"'Messily organised!'" Luci mocked, "The living room was not 'messily organised' it was as if a hurricane decided to get drunk and vomit color palettes for a five mile radius!"

    Lucinda was finding this all too funny. Her little sister was practically smoking at the ears. The more Alice paced, rambling about wedding decor, the harder Lucinda found it to contain her laughter.

"Why don't we focus on Bella's wedding as that is closer to the imaginary date for mine and Jasper's," Lucinda offered to the pixie-like girl. Alice stopped, as the future chopped and changed around Luci's decision, trying to suss out the change in her mind.

    "It's like you HATE ME. WHY ARE YOU BEING LIKE THIS!" Alice screamed at her sister, drawing the rest of the coven into the room. William was the first to try to figure what had happened between his best friend and wife, torn between the two, "YOU ARE SPOILING MY HAPPINESS!"

    "Woah, calm down Hun, what happened?," William asked in a calming voice, trying to work down Alice's temper. He quickly shot Lucinda a glare who just smirked, completely amused, in return.

    "Ask your traitorous best friend," Alice shot back at him, turning her head away from her husband. Will turned to Luci, his looks demanding an answer.

    "All I said is that we can worry about the possibility of a wedding between me and Jay after Bella and Edward get married as it's their time to be happy," Lucinda offered, he hands up in surrender.

    "You made plans to go to Vegas!" Alice shot back. Lucinda could no longer hold back her laughs, which made her sister angrier if that was even possible. To make matters worse, Emmett and Rosalie also joined in with Luci by chuckling.

    "Wait," Bella said, "Jasper and Lucinda get to get married in Vegas, but I have to have all of this with the dress, heels and all the attention. How is that fair?"

    "Over my dead body Bella," Alice told her, trying to regain her composure that she had lost for little over an hour now.

Alice spun around on the spot when she heard Jasper mummer 'Or ours at this rate' as he walked over to his fiancée. It took a while for Lucinda to make sure Jasper was making the right idea, but then she realised that she would never be this happy again.

"Alice, lets just get Bella and Edward married before Luci and I," Jasper calmly spoke. Alice went to argue once more but he cut her off with just a glare as he grabbed his mate's hand and left the room with her in tow


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