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'même la nuit la plus sombre se terminera et le soleil se lèvera'

" I have to kill you! Stop running!" Jimin wasn't sure whether this was a dream or not cause if it is, he would like to wake up right about this moment, but he doesn't have the time to think about that right now, all he should focus on is a way of escaping the vampire who's chasing after him.

" No, you don't!" He kept running in a direction in which he didn't even know existed, but since the one vampire was much faster, blocked his way by standing in the front, which made Jimin run the opposite way.

The vampire had set up a plan and when it worked to make the boy run the opposite way, he stops following him and hid for a while waiting for him to come to him. The boy stops on his way and realizes where he is standing after making sure he wasn't being followed. There was a wall on his front but as he turns around to run back, Jungkook stood there. The tears that Jimin didn't know was escalating down from his eyes were now visible.

" No please, let me go" He cries

" why should I do that when I'm hungry and you're just right in front of me?" The vampire approaches him and Jimin tries to think quickly of what to do. maybe climb the wall, or maybe quickly run pass him but these thoughts didn't help at all. He's trapped. Once Jungkook was close enough, he held his wrist firmly on the wall and tilted his head to the side ready for him to just take one more step closer.

The vampire fangs were exposed and he then sunk his fangs inside Jimin's neck making him scream out of pain but where Jungkook brought him, no one passes around in that time of the night. He began to feel weak but soon enough he was able to stop the vampire. His tear felled on Jungkook's cheek and burned the vampire. He ended pulling out, not done with his job and hisses in pain

"what the fuck?!" he touched his cheek but touching it just created more pain.

Jimin already with his weak state couldn't keep his eyes open for long. Jungkook disappear since the pain was just extremely much to handle but he was sure he'll be back and finish him off. He felled to the ground and shut his eyes.


Jimin opens his eyes and adjusts to the light inside a room. After he adjusts to his new environment, he says something as he rubs his eyes

" where am I?"

" Oh Jimin, you're awake! I was so worried!" Says a voice in which Jimin finds familiar

" Yoojung?-" he looks around as he sits upright " why am I here?"

" You don't remember?" Yoojung asks Jimin and he looks at the girl

"...No...Not really"

" Well, You were discovered by a nice lady that dropped you off here"

" oh" replis Jimin as he sits up the bed

" but Jimin, What happened to your neck?"

" my neck? What's wrong about it? did the doctors say something? He looks at it then back at his friend

" the doctor didn't tell me much"

" what do you know?"

" Well, they said you lost a lot of blood but still manage to live, and they were two bites on your neck"

" two bites?"

" yes, they look like vampires mark but there's no such a thing," said Yoojung as she chuckles

" vampires...?Thats nonsense " Jimin whispered to himself

" anyways Jimin, what do you want to eat? I'll go get it for you"

" I want kimchi jjigae!"

" Ayyy... go buy it for yourself, you think I have money!?" Yoojung shakes her head in disbelief

" why are you yelling at me? You said you'll get it for me !" She scoffs a little then said

" can't you ask for something... cheaper" she said and Jimin sighed

" don't ask me again what I want to eat if you're just gonna yell at me!"

"Fine, once you're out, I'll treat you to Kimchi"


" that mark Jimin... you still don't know what happened?" Yoojung asked as she took a sip of her drink

" I dwot shink so" Jimin speaks with his mouth full.

" that's disgusting, eat first!"

Why are you yelling at me again? You're the one who asked me a question!" feeling a little mortified, Yoojung didn't say anything afterward


Once they were done, Jimin and is his only friend and best friend Yoojung talks a little more about the matter. But Jimin seems to not remember anything. What else happened that night? Yoojung helped Jimin get home though Jimin insisted that he was fine by now. Jimin apparently lives alone now. He used to live with his brother.

" I'll get going now, rest well Jimin"

" Yeah, you too. Bye" Jimin waved to his best friend before closing the door and locking it.

It's 7 pm right now, and Jimin goes in for a shower. Once done, he steps out of the bathtub and looks into the mirror.

" I really do have two dots on my neck," he said as he caresses it but also hissed as it still hurts a little.

"Vampire?... Vampire... Vampire" Jimin tries to remember but every time he tries to, his neck in where the mark was left caused more pain. He shuts his eyes.

" I'll be back!"

A voice suddenly appears as he tries to remember. He couldn't see the face of the person but It caused him more pain so he decided not to think anymore. But he thought of something

"Whose voice could that belongs to?"


oof, I didn't realize this chapter was so long! Sorry...😅😓

Love, @-anpanwoman-

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