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' Le malheur de t'avoir perdue ne m'enlèvera pas le bonheur de t'avoir connu '

Jimin felt like he's been followed, he was just walking back home from work, which end up ending late today in 6 pm. Jimin began to fast walk to his house which was now visible to him. When the noise approaches quickly, he started running but was not able to go far and he was taken away. 

"No stop!" He struggle on the men arms, trying to make an escape. 

"Shut up you annoying freak" said one of the man kidnapping Jimin. The other contact their master. 

"We got him, now what?"

"Bring him here" He replied and so that's what they did next

"Stop! Do you know what you are doing? This is called kidnapping,  I'll tell the police!" Jimin kept on moving around so he could escape and the guys thought they should do something before bringing him with them or this guy is gonna make a lot of noise in their way. 

So one man hold onto both of Jimin arms so he can be faced with the other man. Jimin finally get to look at their faces and he couldn't believe what he saw when the man smiled at him. Jimin screams so loud but sadly no one was able to hear him. The man, at first, wanted to punch Jimin to make him pass out or something but he wasn't given the order to so he just got closer to Jimin's neck and suck on his neck, not to fully kill him but just make him go to sleep until they get there.

"Vampires?..." Jimin whispers before growing weaker and shutting his eyes. The vampire were now able to get their job done. 


"Well done~" The uncle praised his two workers for their hard work and they bowed at him before backing away behind the uncle.

"Now what sir?" One body guard asked

"Since he;s still asleep, we're gonna wait until Jungkook founds out about he's disappearance. I'm pretty sure it will just take him a second" The uncle evilly laughs. 


Jungkook was in his bedroom calling his boyfriend on his phone. He called a few times and his phone was ringing but no one was answering. Jungkook though maybe he was asleep but Jimin never went to sleep before saying goodnight, so he though, he might be fast asleep. 

But Jungkook was growing impatient, still wondering why he's boyfriend hasn't texted him or called him. The last time they talked to each other was this morning when Jimin stated he was going to work, other than that, he hasn't say anything. So Jungkook started having thoughts. Negative thoughts. 

He wanted to go visit him but he knows that he's uncle is back and his body guards might follow him. But at this point he didn't care. He is worried about his boyfriend and want to know what's happening. He could try to call his friends or his work partners but he doesn't want them to be involve. 

He gets off of bed and walks to the living room finding no one. His brothers were all there like 5 minutes ago. He thinks that maybe they went to sleep. So Jungkook didn't not want to lose this opportunity. He walks out the door and made his way down to earth. As soon as he gets there, he knocks on Jimin's door but no answer. 

"What's the noise for? The guy from next door hasn't come home yet so stop" The neighbors had to talk because of how loud Jungkook's knocks were. As if he was banging on the door. 

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows at the thought of Jimin not being home yet, he looks around but no signs of Jimin. He called on his phone again and not too far, he was able to hear, what seems like Jimin's phone's ringtone. 

"Jimin?" Jungkook whispers as he got closer to the sound. He finds the phone laying on the ground and he picks it up then looks at the screen and its says. 'my other me' and Jungkook recognize his phone number. 

He thought, since he found his phone here, he might be somewhere nearby. He tries his best to not have any negative thoughts. But has to stop looking when he heard a voice telling him. 

"Stop wasting you're time and follow me" Jungkook recognizes the voice and he cries when he knew. 

"Why" he whispers. 


Finally getting into the interesting parts! 

Can you believe how many 'but' 's there's in this chapter? oof

Peace out, I'm out. 


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