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' Parfoit, la vie peut être injuste, mais ce n'est pas une raison pour renoncer à elle'

It now has been a month or so into their relationship. Jungkook will sometimes visit Jimin and he was very happy that Jungkook was still being able to keep his promise of having to stay with him. But as Jungkook went out of his palace way too often, it has become was too suspicious to his other family include their brothers. Though they accepted to help Jungkook hiding his secret, he also wishes that they could maybe all hang out together with the human he has fallen in love with. 

Jimin is on his break from work for a week and he was indeed bored by himself. When he used to have breaks like these, he usually hangs out with his brother. It's 4 pm and Jimin was quietly sitting in the living room with popcorn in his hand as he watches Netflix, waiting for Jungkook to arrive to be with him. Dating for a month now, Jimin began to doubts and thoughts about their relationship together with Jungkook. 

''Why do Jungkook only visits me late in the night? Why can't he visits me in the morning or so? Why is he so secretive? Why doesn't he want me to meet his parent?'

All these thoughts drove him crazy. He doesn't want to think about it but he just can't help it. As boyfriends, Jungkook shouldn't be hiding stuff from me. Jimin shakes his head, he doesn't want to think wrong about his boyfriend. He must have a reason, doesn't he? Jimin, tired of waiting, walks to his bedroom to change and walked out the door, wanting to find something to do. 


"It's always that Junglebook" Yoojung whispered to herself as she was not even paying attention to where she was. Her thoughts have taken over her that she can't pay attention to where she's stepping her foot. As she finally raised her head up, to check where she ways, she couldn't believe it. 

She's lost

She doesn't know where she is and how she got there. It was as almost no one lived here. It was dark and had a lot of grass where she was standing up. She tries to find her way back to her place but she was completed lost. She thought she had no hopes and will end up dying here until she heard a noised coming from the East. 

She follows the noise thinking that she'll be able to escape if she meets someone from there. She got there and couldn't believe her eyes. She was about to scream but she had to hold in it if she didn't want to be killed. Jungkook stood there, transforming into a human after being in the form of a bat. Yoojung holds her yelling in. She tries to escape but her phone rings and caught the attention of Jungkook. Jungkook looks behind a tree where the noise comes from. 

"Who's there?" He says as he scans behind the same tree. 

Yoojung tries to think of what to do next. She should try to run and so that's what she did but Jungkook was enough to catch up to her. Jungkook held her wrist on a tree and she exhales deeply looking into Jungkook's eyes

"how much did you see?" He asked 

"You...'re a demon Jungkook! A vampi-" 

"Say no more. I guess you've seen something you shouldn't have seen" Jungkook eyes turned red and that surprised Yoojung, making her feel more afraid 

"I can't believe this. Imagine what Jimin will think if he founds out that his friend is not human" She says with a shaky voice. Even though she was afraid of what Jungkook might do to her, she still wanted to state the facts 

"First of all, I'm not Jimin's friend but his boyfriend and second of all, he'll never find out" 

"But I'll make sure he does!" Yoojung tries to get out of Jungkook hold so she can run away but Jungkook holds her even tighter.  

"Oh, what should I do to you" Jungkook sighed as he looks around 

"Let me go!"

"Fine, let's play a game" Jungkook suggest and Yoojung just kept staring at him with eyes now full with tears

"I'll let you go, but you have to escape me. If you succeed, you have you're freedom. But if you lose... Something really unexpected will happen" Jungkook evilly smiles as he let Yoojung go. 

She takes this as an opportunity to run but little did she know, she didn't even know where she was or where she was running to. After running around in a circle, Yoojung lungs gave out and there she was, on the ground crying for help. 

"I guess you haven't found you're way out little dear" Yoojung looks behind her and Jungkook stood there. Then started to walk to her as his hand was in his pocket. Yoojung tried to take another run but Jungkook catches her by the wrist and immediately, started sucking her blood. 

Yoojung is a human who saw the true form of Jungkook as a vampire. She only deserved to die as it is now something Jungkook has to do no matter what. Yoojung screamed so loud that her lungs gave out. Jungkook didn't want to kill her, as he knows how important Yoojung is to Jimin. But he drank enough that she can erase at least part of her memory. 

"Now you messed up my clothes" Jungkook looked at himself after finished up Yoojung who now lay on the floor with her eyes closed.

He took her clothes as a napkin to wipes the blood from his mouth to his shirt. Thank god his shirt was black. After finishing, he walks away, going to find Jimin after finishing his job here. Leaving her behind. 


Why am I crying?


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