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' N'oubliez jamais qui étais à tes côté durant le périodes le plus difficile de ta vie'

Jungkook and Jimin were having breakfast with his father at the dining room. Jimin and the father was eating but it looks like Jungkook had no appetite. The king stop eating only to pay attention to Jungkook who was head over the cloud.

"Jungkook?" The father's call. At first Jungkook didn't answer but after a few more calls, he looks at his father with an eyebrow raise.

"Yes father?" He says. He kept on stirring his tea with the little spoon.

"Why aren't you eating?"

"Maybe I'm not hungry..." He gets off the chair and walks to his room without saying anything else. Jimin and the father looked at each other. The king wonders how he or Jungkook would tell Jimin his real identity or lie by saying nonsense, so therefore, to avoid any problems, the king let this become Jungkook own problem. He didn't want to interfere.

"Father?" Jimin calls out and the father glare at him,  "Is Jungkook my brother?"

"You should go ahead and ask him" Nobody could believe that Jimin had really lost his memory. Most people kept saying this was a waste, but not to Jungkook.

"Okay" Jimin finishes his last piece of bread before walking down the hallways to Jungkook bedrooms, he knocks waiting for Jungkook the door.

"Ye- Jimin?" Jungkook opens the door and he was surprised, he was expecting maybe his father sent someone to forcefully take him out of his bedroom so he could have breakfast but looks like he was wrong.

"Yeah, I want to talk to you" He says and Jungkook nodded before letting him inside. Jungkook is so happy that Jimin is alive and well but he missed him and want to hug him and give him kisses but he doesn't want to make the younger feel uncountable and for it to looks like he's taking advantage of him.

"You were saying?" Jungkook sat in his bad as Jimin sit on the nearby couch

"Are you my brother?" Jimin asked and when he saw Jungkook facial expression has change, he puts his head down and kept talking " I mean, this might be an obvious question but I got curious because... You were the first person I saw when I waked up so I though maybe you were really worried about me as a brother and-" Jungkook suddenly stands up from where he is and hugged Jimin from where he is as he couldn't stop himself anymore.

He cries on his as he hugged him tighly. Jimin, unable to say anything, just stood there like that, then after a while, he tries to remove his embrace from Jungkook but Jungkook insisted, it won't take long.

"Just for a minute, please?" and with that Jimin just nodded

"Are you okay? Jungkook why are you crying?"

"Jimin, can you really not remember?"

"was there something I was supposed to remeber?"

"Yes, something very important"

"Sorry, I don't know" Jimin replied and Jungkook breaks away from the embrace to look at Jimin in the eyes as he held his hands.

"You know who I am Jimin, You know who I am to you and I can't tell you that but only yourself."

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe me, it's better if you found out by yourself"


"Just try, huh? It can't be that difficult"

"I'll try then" Jimin smiles and Jungkook nodded before letting go of his hand.

"I'm... I'll get going" Jimin says and Jungkook nodded.

Jimin walks out of Jungkook's bedroom. He rubbed his neck trying to understand what Jungkook said. He decided to do his best to remember. He then walks to his bedroom and stayed there to think about all this.


"I'm not saying that he will never get his memories back, but what I'm saying is, there's a high chance that he might forget you."

"Why me thought?"

"Because you were important to his life, because you brought him pain, because you made him like this. He needs at least to forget those if you want him to live again happily"

"Are you saying, I made him miserable?"

"Well, you can say that"

"what's the chance of him forgetting everything?"

"Very high. 98%"



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