< 二十三>

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'  Lorsqu'une personne t'aime sincèrement, il n'a mȇme pas à te le dire. Tu le sais simplement par la façon dont il agit avec toi.'

Jungkook phone vibrates again as he just tries to ignore that sound and glances at everyone else in the room to make sure they don't think of anything but, that's not going to happen. The uncle stands up and heads to where the noise was coming from, but before he could even make it, someone knocks on Jungkook's bedroom door startling everyone else in the room as Jungkook sighed out of relief when the uncle walked to the door to see who was the one trying to interfere their 'private' conversation. 

"I'm sorry to bother Sir uncle, but father has just called asking for you" The maid bowed without glancing at the uncle and he nodded before letting the maid make her way back to the kitchen. 

As the uncle was speaking with the maid, Jungkook took this opportunity to silence his phone. The uncle turns back around and glances at each individual brother and stated 

"We'll continue this another time" he then made his way out of the bedroom to make his leave. 

Everyone else exhales deeply. They were all so peaceful until he left, Jungkook, feeling at relief but the brothers also glares at him also wanting to know what was that thing that made noise. 

" Jungkook, what was that noise?"

" I don't have time to talk right now as I got to go but I could always tell you about it later" He made his leave quietly, making sure no one was following him as the brothers just started at each other confusedly. 


It is now 8 pm and everyone else were making their way out of the hall as Jimin birthday ended. Jimin was seating on the table as he didn't want to go home, insisting that Jungkook will come. 

"Jimin, we gotta go" Yoojung says as she tries to think of what she could say to him in order for him to listen to her

" No~ he'll come" Jimin whines 

" I told you not to let him drink, see now?" Yoojung scolds Sori who was standing behind Jimin

" How's that my fault that he's drunk? He insisted on wanting to drink" Sori defended herself 

Yoojung started to question herself if Jimin liked Jungkook more than her because of Jimin strange behavior. She's question herself if Jimin ever got himself drunk or cry because he could meet me? 

"Sori, I don't want to drag you into this, I'll bring him home" Yoojung wanted to have some alone time with Jimin and ask him some question because he knows when Jimin is drunk, he always spills the truth and she finally want to know how he feels about her.

"Sure! See you Monday!" She grabbed her stuff and walked out the door

Yoojung carries Jimin by the her shoulder as she drives him inside her car and off they were to Jimin's house. On the way Yoojung kept giving glances to Jimin as she tries to calm herself down.

" Jimin you can't be gay right?" Yoojung shakes her head not wanting to think about that. Of course not you idiot, you knew him since a little child and he never showed interest in guys!

"Jimin... I've wanted to say this to you for so long but I was always afraid that you'll reject me, but now I am ready to accept your answer"

Jungkook... Jimin whispers but Yoojung wasn't able to hear him so she continued talking

"I like you" 


" I can't believe you were sleeping all these time. That mean you didn't even hear me! Never mind, maybe this is for the best"

Yoojung stops at Jimin's house and notices that he was sleeping. As she gets off the car to run to the opposite side so she can get Jimin out of the car, she notices Jungkook seated in front of Jimin's house door holding a bouquet of variation of colored roses.

"Jungkook?" She says as she grab his attention, Jungkook quickly stands up and walked to her "You were here all these time?" 

"Yes... I mean no... I got lost so I stayed here waiting for Jimin and where is he by the way?" Jungkook looks around to see if Jimin was coming from anywhere until Yoojung spoke up

"He's inside my car, help me carry him inside his house"

"I'll do it, just open the door" Jungkook says and Yoojung just listens 

Inside the house, Jungkook brings Jimin to his bedroom and let rest there as she walks back to Yoojung. Jungkook thanks Yoojung for bringing Jimin home but Yoojung wasn't done yet, she had many questions that she wanted to be answered.

"What's your relationship with Jimin?" She asks with a serious tone as she stand at the door, her back facing Jungkook.

" That's a question you should ask Jimin not me" He says and Yoojung just shrugged it off as she walks away not wanting to cause nay troubles. At least not yet.

Jungkook walks to the door to lock it as he closes all the house lights and walks to the bedroom where he left Jimin. He removes Jimin shoes and left him with his socks and got himself on the bed after deposing the rose on his night stand so if Jimin were to wake up, it can be the first thing he sees. 

Jungkook glares at Jimin's sleepy face and smiled to himself. As he tries to sleep, Jimin puts a hand over Jungkook hips and whispers is something which made Jungkook a little disappointed on himself

"Jungkook, I hate you~" he whispers

"I'm sorry, I wasn't able to attend your birthday, lovely" Jungkook caresses his hair as he left a soft, quick kiss on Jimin's forehead before dozing off to sleep. 


UWU ='(


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