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'Le destin peut réunir deux personnes, mais c'est le devoir de l'amour de les garder ensemble '

Jimin rushes to the hospital leaving Jungkook behind as he didn't want to meet up with the girl he just tried to kill. After he arrived, he saw her best friend peacefully eating as her mother and little brothers were there. Yoojung notices Jimin and she smiled, Jimin walking over. 

"Hey Jimin, what's up?"

"What's up? What happened to you?" Jimin asks but the girl didn't even know the reason why she was there either

"I don't remember." She rubs her head before adding, " The last thing I remember is that I was walking back home yesterday night. Maybe someone kidnapped me because they just couldn't take my natural beauty" She laughs and her mother just couldn't believe she just said that and Jimin just shakes his head in disbelief 

"You seem fine now, I don't know why I was so worried" Jimin approaches her and sees she has the same two dots on her neck as he has  "And you're eating more than ever"

"Is that suppose to be a good thing or bad?"

"Why do you have two dots on your neck?" Jimin asks as he kept looking at it

"I have no idea as well, my mom kept asking as well" She answers finishing her potato chip. Jimin let it alone, maybe ask her later when she's feeling a bit better. 

"I thought you were on a diet Yoojung, do you know how many calories potato chips has?"

"I thought potato was a vegetable"


Jimin walks back home happily as he knows he's gonna be spending the whole day with his boyfriend Jungkook who waits for him back home. What should we do? He thought quietly as he walks homes. When Jimin arrived, he found Jungkook in the kitchen wearing his apron as he cooked. 

"Why do I smell something burning?" Jimin rushes to the kitchen and looks at the mess Jungkook made. His widens 

"Oh yeah I forgot" Jungkook rushes to open the oven to check on the pizza he made but it was burned. Jungkook frowns 

"Oh my god Jungkook, what is all this mess?" 

"I wanted to cook something for you when you come back because I didn't have any money to order food but now everything is a total complete disaster" Jungkook looks at the mess he made and he felt bad for himself and Jimin. He felt embarrassed, cause what kind of boyfriend is he if he can't even cook?

" It's okay, I'll take care of it, you can go sit down"

"No, I'll clean this up!.... After I retry cooking this" Jungkook tries to go back to cooking, but Jimin stops him before he could create more mess

"I said it was okay, I'll do it, and by the way, what were you trying to cook in the first place?"

"I don't know, I try searched on something online"

"what exactly did you search for?"

"What type of food could my boyfriend like. And it gave some suggestion so I just went for pizza" 

"Live it alone, I'll do it" Jimin pushes Jungkook to the leaving room so he could take care of it but Jungkook insisted that he can clean up the kitchen as it was his mess in the first place and plus, Jimin must be tired from visiting his friend at the hospital. So Jimin just gave u and decided to go wash himself as he waits for Jungkook to get his job done. 


Once Jimin is out of the bedroom, Jungkook was seating on the couch in the living room with a movie on and popcorn in his hand. At least he can make popcorn. Jimin glances at the kitchen and it looked so clean as if it was a new house. At least he can clean as well. Jimin smiles before jumping in the couch next to Jungkook. 

"You cleaned well" Jimin complimented him and Jungkook smiled at him

"I have to go back soon" Jungkook looks outside but it was still shining brightly. 

"Why? So you lied when you said that you were going to stay with me the whole day?"

"No that's not what I mean. I'm still gonna stay with you but I have to leave when it hits 6 or 7pm"


"My parents might worry" Jungkook tries to make Jimin believe him and so he did

"Okay, want to go out then?"

"What? with this bright shining sun?" Jungkook pointed outside from the window 

" awn so what? It's not like that sun will hurt us. And plus, you're leaving and I only got this day with you, let's go out" Jimin pouted. Jungkook thinks about it. 

Though he really doesn't want to go out in the sun, he still wants to do things with his boyfriend to make him happy. So he smiled and just nodded. Jimin gives him his best eyes smile before walking Jungkook to the bedroom to get him some other clothes to wear.


I think there's gonna be smut in the next chapter XD. Something you guys have been patiently waiting for. 


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