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'le bonheur est possible et il vaut mieux aller á sa rencontre qu'en écouter le récit'

"So, what news do you have for me?"

" Jungkook is still hanging around with the human, what should we do sir?"

" I see, don't do anything until I'm back. I want to make sure everything is at sight when I get back. Things will start to get wild"

" yes sir"

" but until I'm back, keep an eye on him. We never know what he has in mind" the uncle said and the bodyguard nodded before shutting the tv that he was able to to video called the uncle.


Jimin was cooking at home. He was expecting Jungkook to come visit him later this afternoon. But as he was about to start, he realized that he didn't have all the ingredient he needed.

"How could I have forgotten" he says as he rubbed his forehead " well I guess that makes more chores for me to do" Jimin sighed

He walked to the living room, grabbed his keys from the table and head out to buy ingredients. He thought of also getting ingredients for dinner, even though he's not sure whether or not Jungkook will be staying for dinner.

Minutes passes and Jimin wasn't back yet. When Jungkook arrived, he knocked on Jimin's door but no answer. He then knocked again and the same thing.

" where could he be?" Jungkook though as he slowly grabbed the knob of Jimin door and unexpectedly, the door wasn't locked.

" is this guy trying to get killed?" Jungkook whispered as he quietly walk inside.

But that shouldn't be a problem. Their neighborhood is highly secured so it wasn't a big of a problem. Jungkook goes in and though maybe Jimin went somewhere really quick and he'll be back. He wanted to give him a call but at the same time he wanted to surprise him. Yes, Jimin was expecting Jungkook but he doesn't know when he'll be there

When the door opens, Jungkook quickly went into hiding as he knew that was no one else than Jimin himself. Jimin gets inside with the bags of groceries he was holding and heads to the kitchen. He takes a look at the time on his wrist and realizes the time.

" it's already 2 pm, when is he gonna come?" Jimin asked himself as he stared putting stuff together.

Jungkook walked slowly behind and back hugged him. Jimin got scared and hit whoever that was with his elbow so hard on his stomach. Jungkook back away and hold the place Jimin hit as he cries.

" oh my god Jungkook, I'm sorry I didn't know it was you, are you okay?" Jimin worries as he walks to Jungkook but Jungkook backed away

" that fucking hurts" he cries

"I'm sorry" Jimin says cutely

" there's only one way I can forgive you" Jungkook smirked and started at his lover

" what do you mean? It was your fault in the first place. who asked you to scare me like that?"

" I just... I just wanted... that's doesn't matter" Jungkook stood up at his place. Jimin puts both of his hand on his waist and said

"Okay, what is it?"

" give me a kiss" Jungkook closed his eyes, waiting for his wish to be fulfilled but Jimin chuckles

" in your dreams" Jimin heads back to his cooking stuff and left Jungkook standing there like a fool.

" what, why"

" you don't deserve it Jungkook"

" yes I do"

" no you don't"

" yes I do"

" not even in your wettest dream"

" how do you know I have wet dr- anyways please just a kiss."

" not until you say sorry"

" sorry for what?"

" for scaring me like that" Jungkook then walked to Jimin and turned him around to face him.

" I'll give you a kiss then, if you don't like it, you can give it back"

"Wh-" before Jimin could finish his sentence, Jungkook gave him a peck on his lips.

" did you like it?"

" of course not"

"Then you can give it back" Jungkook smirked

" no I mean... you're just gonna give me a peck?" It was now Jimin turn to smirk

" You want another?"

" yeah but this time, give me a kiss" Jimin says and Jungkook smirked as he pulls Jimin to the couch.


Poor food was forgotten 🌚 and I'm so sorry for the cringes chapter. I had to update 🌝

Love, @-anpanwoman-

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