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'Aimer quelqu'un c'est lui donner le pouvoir de nous détruire  '

"Jungkook, I'm telling you, I remember everything now" Jimin hold onto Jungkook's shirt while Jungkook was moving around the kitchen, trying to make himself breakfast. he asked the maid to not make it for him this time, he wanted to make hot chocolate for himself and he's sure they don't know what that is.

"Yeah of course, as if the other times were meaningless? Jimin, I'm not ready for your jokes now, I barely got any sleep because of you and right now it's still early morning so please..."

"Why don't you believe me?"

"I just gave you an explanation" He puts his hot chocolate on the table and started drinking it, "want to have breakfast with me?"

"You don't believe me? I'll prove it to you then..."

"Yeah, yeah of course, good luck" 

Jimin then sat next to Jungkook then kept staring at him until Jungkook looks back at him. "What do you want?" Jimin didn't answer then move on holding both of Jungkook's cheeks bringing him for a kiss. He only gave him a peck. 

"What d-"

"Jungkook, Mr. 221 years old. The vampire who first appear inside my house and that was how I met you. You kept on bothering me ever since that day. We once love each other and became each other's one... should I say more prove you that I remember?"

"You remembered?" Jungkook widen his eyes and Jimin nods with a smile still holding his cheeks. Jungkook quickly forgot about his chocolate and grab Jimin by the waist, bringing him closer to himself. He gave him another peck before letting him off him. 


"Jungkook, where are we going?" Jimin was walking behind Jungkook as they held hands.  

"You'll see when we get there" Jungkook responded and continued on their way. There was many trees to go by. 

They finally notices a house and Jungkook smiles when he recognize the familiar house. They both goes inside, finding the same old lady Jungkook is so thankful to. He sits on the floor, on top of a pillow and so did Jimin. When they finally seated down, the lady opens her eyes and smiled as she sees the couple. 

"Welcome back you too" She smiles looking at them two

"I am here to thank you again for helping me and Jimin. I also have good news regarding him" Jungkook says to the woman, still holding hands with Jimin.  

"I know what you want to say child, and I'm happy for it"

"Am I really the only one who don't know what's going on here?" Jimin says, he felt invisible, the two will talk to each other, forgetting that Jimin also came along. 

"Oh Jimin, she's the lady who helped you where you are today. Alive

"Oh... Hello, thank you for everything" Jimin smiles at her and she did too

"You're very welcome, what can I say? It's my job after all." She says, then added, "So Jimin got back his memory, that's a good thing, he was very lucky, that 2% was very low but he was able to recover." The lady says and that made Jungkook grin. 

"Yes, he was very lucky"


Jimin is sits-up on Jungkook's bed looking through Jungkook's phone he found under his pillow. He smiles as he look through it. Jungkook comes inside the bedroom with the hot chocolate he prepared for Jimin. He handed it to him before getting on the bed next to him. 

"Where did you get my phone from? I was looking for it this morning"

"It was under you're bed, and look, you have a lot of picture of us" Jimin smiles

"Jimin, since you got you're memory back, do you remember what was the last word you told me before you died last time?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, of course, I don't you to remember terrible things like what my uncle did but you told me you hated me and ever since then I felt so bad, I felt like I did something bad, I regret it everyday when you left. Saying you hate me was as if you were telling me, our relationship wasn't good"

"Jungkook, that was the past. I forgive you"

"Why? Why are you forgiving me so easily? I don't deserve you're forgivness, I lied to you about so many things about me"

"Jungkook... "

"And because of that, you were captured and they did that to you, they kidnapped you and killed you, right in front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything back then, all I could do was watch. If I had told you the truth, maybe you would have still have you're normal life, with you're friend and you're mother. I took away you're happiness and you're family. And this leads me to something I have to tell you, I promise I would never lie to you anymore. I am the only who killed you're brother..."


"Let's end it here.... Let's just end our relationship here..."



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