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' Te recontrer m'étais destiné. Devenir ton amie étais mon choix. Tomber amoureuse étais hors de mon contrôle '

Jungkook opens his eyes and scanned around the room he was in. Then he remembered, he slept in Jimin's house last night. The room seemed quiet and Jungkook wonders where was everyone until he opens the door of the bedroom and heard noises.

He walks to the living room finding Jimin on the couch watching television and glances over the house looking for Mrs. Park.

"Oh, Jungkook. Why you waked up so late? You missed breakfast. And by the way, I was about to wake you up but mother said its better to let you sleep" He glances over to Jungkook standing behind his chair.

" what do you mean? What time is it?" He asked confusedly

"It's already afternoon. 12 pm"

"Oh... Where's your mother?"

"She went out to pick up some groceries" Jungkook nodded

Jimin stands up and holds Jungkook hand carrying him in the bathroom so Jungkook could shower.

"what are you doing?" Jimin ignores Jungkook's question and kept walking. Jimin opens the bathroom door and lets Jungkook in.

"Take a shower. When you're done, There's gonna be some clothes on my bed and u can wear them" Jungkook nodded and with that Jimin left.


Jungkook wears the clothes that were on Jimin's bed and he swears he didn't like it. The clothes were just too bright for him and because he's used to wearing only dark clothes, he just felt like this didn't suit him. He was wearing an orange shirt with blue jeans and dark socks.

He walks back to the living room and as he was about to take a seat on the couch, he was called out for lunch by Mrs. Park.

"Jungkook, you okay?" Asked the mother and he nodded

"Yes, I am" Jimin notices and look at Jungkook to see what was her mother talking about.

"You waked up late today so I was wondering"

" I wonder too," He said and she nodded

"Jimin, I'm leaving next week" His mother smiles

"what? that quick..."

" I just came to visit, not to stay and by the way, I don't want to make your boyfriend uncomfortable because I'm here." Jungkook coughs as he had swallowed his food without even chewing on it first and ended up biting his tongue.

"Mother!" Jimin looks over Jungkook and so did his mom wondering what's wrong but Jungkook quickly recovers and said he was okay.

"what did I say so wrong? Isn't he your boyfriend?" And with that question Jungkook looks up at Mrs. Park so to see if she was serious then look at Jimin, silently waiting for him to answer.

"No... and I'm pretty sure Jungkook doesn't like when you accuse him like that"

"Actually, I wouldn't mind if it was true" Jimin and his mother stared at him with widened eyes


"wait, why did I say that? I mean it's not like I regret it cause at least he knows I like him... Wait-" Jungkook stops his own words as he though for a while... "-Did I just said I like him?"

"Jungkook you okay? we are able to hear your next door" Jin says looking at Jungkook who had covered himself from head to toe with his blanket

"I'm fine just... let me think of something really quick" Jin nodded and closes the door behind him walking back next door of his room.

"do you think Jungkook and that human did something last night for him to forget to put on his own clothes?" Hoseok speaks up noticing how Jungkook came back without the clothes he went with

" Jungkook doesn't look like a virgin either " Jin added agreeing with Hoseok

"well, we can't be too sure. If he were to go back on Earth again, this time please don't lose track of him." Namjoon says and they all agreed.


"I wouldn't mind if it was true"

"Jungkook..." Jungkook didn't say anything back as he just leaves the two together in the kitchen before heading to Jimin's bedroom

"wait that just came out of nowhere. Is someone controlling my mind?"

"go after him," his mother said

"why should I do that?" Jimin refuses. He also felt embarrassed

"what do you mean? go after him before I kick your ass" His mother stands up too but walks to the kitchen

"Alright, fine" Jimin walks to the bedroom as well finding Jungkook on the bed heads over cloud. Who knows of what he could be thinking of

"Jungkook?" Jimin says but Jungkook still remained in his position but just hummed as an answer

"...did you mean what you said earlier?" Jimin seats on the bed

"forget about it. I didn't mean to s-"

" because I'd like to try... Only if you don't mind"


love, -anpanwoman-

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