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' Si ta présence n'est d'aucune utilité, pourqoui ton absence ferait une différence?  '

It's Jimin's time of the year. Nothing else than his birthday is here. Jimin rented a place for his birthday party that his best friend Yoojung recommended for him. She knows how lazy Jimin can get after partying and if he were to party in his house, it will probably take weeks for the whole house to be clean. And also because he gets busy every now and then.

"Happy birthday Jimin!" Said Sori as she hands Jimin a bag that was so heavy that he had to use both of his hand to carry it

" What is this? Are you sure this bag is not full of rocks?" Jimin jokes as he stood outside when everyone else was inside enjoying the party

" Of course not! And by the way Jimin, why are you standing outside here in the darkness while everyone else is waiting for you inside?" Sori said and Yoojung joined them

" I am waiting for someone," He said as he keeps looking back and forth in the roads as people passed by

" Who?" Yoojung asked as she forgotten what was the reason she originally wanted to come outside for

" Jungkook"

"Who's- Oh, the guy who didn't accept my handshake last time?" Sori fakes a cry

" Yeah, him"

Yoojung, not caring at all, remembers why she came out here for. " Oh Jimin, everyone else is waiting for you inside, it's time"

"Can't they wait a little bit?"

"Jimin, I'm pretty sure he won't come"

" Why so sure?"

" Can't you see the time? He's running late and he might not want to show up because he knows you won't be happy if he were to come late"

" But, that's not true"

" Jimin! Jimin! Jimin!" Suddenly, the three friends can hear people from inside chanting Jimin's name as they wait for him to make his entrance

" We gotta go" And with that, Jimin looks one last time outside and texted Jungkook asking him where he is at before making his way inside.

Everyone clapped as Jimin made his entrance. Jimin fake smile appears on his face as he was disappointed that Jungkook couldn't make it. But where could he be at and why couldn't he make it?


An hour earlier

Jungkook looks at the time and he was ready for him to make his leave for Jimin's birthday party. But as steps out of his bedroom to make his way out, he was stopped by his uncle that he didn't even know visited him.

"Jungkook? where do you think you're going-" he looks at Jungkook from head to toe "-dressing up like that?" It wasn't any uncle though, it was the uncle with the one eye. The one with no hearts

"I am... not going anywhere..." Jungkook gulped, hoping that his uncle believes him and let him has his freedom. If anything goes wrong here, not only is he gonna be in grave danger but also his lover, Jimin.

" And you expect me to believe that? Look at how you're dressing, you look like you're going to attend an occasion."

"No uncle... I am... playingdressupwithmyself!" Jungkook quickly shouts as he tries to close the door of his bedroom so he could text Jimin but the uncle quickly put his feet at the door so Jungkook couldn't close it as he grew suspicious of the boy

The uncle calls on Jungkook's brother to ask if they knew anything about Jungkook suspicious behavior and for where could he be possibly trying to head.

" Yes, uncle?" Namjoon firstly responded

" Sit first" He ordered. They all seated around Jungkook's sofa that fit them all perfectly

" Tell me what I need to know. I know you all have something to tell me" The uncle started as he didn't look anywhere but his front.

" First of all uncle, why are you here?" Yoongi asked. Yes, he was well aware that he shouldn't be talking back to the uncle but he already did it so what?

The uncle chuckles first before answering Yoongi's questions. " You're father has sent me here to watch over you. But I won't be here for long" He says and glances at Yoongi "Now, my turn, who's gonna answer my question?"

But no one needed to say anything as Jungkook's phone went off. A message alert that caught everyone attention in the room. Jungkook had forgotten to power off his phone. 


Oh snaps, junglebook you're done for XD


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