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'Des plus profonds désirs, naissent souvent les haines les plus mortelles. '

Jungkook finished taking a shower as he quietly steps into the bedroom to get his clothes so he could leave without having to wake up the younger. It was midnight and Jungkook had no choice but to leave or people will get suspicious of Jungkook disappearance. He quietly put his clothes on, kissing Jimin on the forehead before making his way to the living room, where he left the house. 

When Jungkook arrived back to his home, he was happy to see everyone was sleeping so at least he won't be bombarded with questions right now as he still felt sleepy. He quietly walks to his bedroom and rested there. 


"Where's this Jungkook!" Their uncle  arrived at the 6 brothers house in the early 11 o'clock. The other brothers had just finished their breakfast and were all in the living room, each person doing their own things until the uncle had to ruin their peace.

"Uncle, what brings you here?" Taehyung said first while the other brothers remained quiet. 

"Is Jungkook still not back?" He asked, not even looking at the boys. He glances over the hallways that lead the brother. The uncle took this silence as a no so he walked to Jungkook bedroom to check on his own. 

The brothers tried their best to stop the uncle from his intentions but that did not change anything. He threatened the boys telling them, if they were to stop him from going into Jungkook room, not only will he tell their father, the king, but also punishes them so the brothers back up. 

The uncle with one eye, with the other covered with an eye patch walks in front of Jungkook bedroom and knocked three times but no one was opening the door, so he goes in anyway. He was startled when he saw someone sleeping peacefully on the bed. 

The uncle looks back at the brothers who were outside the door of Jungkook's room, and told them. "Once he's awake, send him to the palace" Then walks out of his room. 

The brothers nodded and the uncle left. He knew something was wrong with Jungkook. Something about him changed.

Oh Jungkook, what have you done. You're so dead. 


When Jimin woke up, he found himself lying in the bed. He sits up and realizes that he's nude. He blushes as the thought of yesterday made their way back into his mind. He can't believe that he made out with his boyfriend. At least he's happy that they told each other their feelings. 

Jimin stands up from his bed and walks to the bathroom so he could get ready for the day. A day like any other day without Jungkook. But what he had yesterday was enough to keep him energetic for today. 

After Jimin finished with his morning routine, he walked to the kitchen to have breakfast. He was about to message his boyfriend but his mother suddenly video called him. 

"Hello mother," Jimin said as he waved at his mother through the phone

"Hello my son, you look so happy, what's going on?"


"How can that be nothing? Come on, you gotta tell your mother"

"It's really nothing mother. I... I'm just happy to be spending times with Jungkook."

"I see that you guys enjoyed each other last night"

"What do you mean?"

"I can see it Jimin... Your hickey are visible." Jimin looked over his neck and realizes that Jungkook literally plotted the hickey all over his neck. 

"Mother!" Jimin tried to hide it by wearing his hoodie. 

" What? I'm just happy that you're happy Jimin" 

"Awn thanks, mother."

"Bye I love you, I'm going to visit your father right now"

"Okay bye, I love you too mother" 

After waving their goodbyes, Jimin hanged up. He finished his breakfast and decided to go have a walk since there's nothing to do at home. 


"Please come this way," Said the bodyguards. They walked Jungkook to the living room of his father palace. 

When Jungkook noticed a familiar face, he walked over to him, acting like he was innocent since he already knew what his uncle was gonna talk about. 

"Ah, Jungkook. What a surprise, you actually came" The uncle said but Jungkook ignored. 

"What is it?" Jungkook asked. 

"Jungkook, I was at your house yesterday but you were nowhere to be found. I asked your brothers where you could possibly be and they told me you went hunting so I waited the whole day but you still weren't back so you know what I did next?" the uncle asked as he took a sip of his tea.

Jungkook knows how evil uncle could get. But what exactly did he do? Jungkook tried not to show too much interest in the topic as he shrugged and looked away. 

"I order the guards to go spy on you and I gotta say, they did a pretty good job. Do you want to take a look at the picture they took of you?.......

And you're human boyfriend?"


well then <sips tae> 🧛‍♀️


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