< 二十九>

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'  je suis née pour te recontrer, ma vie a commencé quand mes yeux ont croisés les tiens... tu es ma destinée, celui dont j'ai toujoours rêvé. Je t'aime'

Jungkook undone Jimin's pant's button and zipper before removing his pant and throwing it on the floor and before removing his own, leaving them both in their boxers. Jungkook uses his palm to caress Jimin's bulge that had formed a while ago. If Jimin were to say that it didn't hurt, that would have been a lie. He moans at the feeling but tries to bit his lips so he could hide his sounds that he was uncomfortable of letting out but Jungkook tells him not to and there's was nothing for him to be shy about since they're both guys anyways. 

"Jimin, do you want me?" Jungkook asks as he can feel his his member twitch. He left kisses all over Jimin's tights as he groans also making the younger moans. 

"I want you Jungkook" He breaths, his eyes still close and he was holding onto the mattresses sheets "Jungkook please..."

"please what baby?" Jungkook brought himself between Jimin's legs as he gets ready to remove his boxers before getting ready to prep him.

"Do it already and stop teasing" Jimin whines while his eyes remain shut. Jungkook slowly removes the younger boxers also getting to the point but he wanted to first please the younger and make him use to his touches. 

By the time it was off, Jungkook noticed Jimin covered his face from embarrassment with his hands. Jungkook removes his hand and gave him a peck on his lips the saying,  "Why are you hiding?"  While chuckling. 

"Well first of, for you're information, I'm the only one who's nude so I'm kind of... embarrassed" Jimin looked away. Jungkook smiles before removing his own boxers 

"How about now?" Jimin cheeks were even redder than before. Jungkook smiles before giving him another peck on the lips then re-positioning himself between Jimin's legs. 

Jungkook inserted two of his fingers inside Jimin's entrance to prep him. Jimin moans at the feeling he had never felt before. While Jungkook's fingers were busy pushing in and out of Jimin's entrance, Jungkook attacks Jimin's neck, while his finger's were still inside Jimin.

Jungkook wanted to hear more so he added a third finger, stretching the younger inside as he was earned with louder moans from the younger. The younger's eyes were shut and his lips parted away as he moans from Jungkook's touches. 

After Jungkook was done with prepping Jimin, he stood up and position himself in front of Jimin as he stand on his knees. Jimin opens his eyes and try to catch a glance with the elder before he does anything. Jungkook made eye contact with the younger to make sure he was okay if he went on and so the answer was a yes. 

Jungkook then made his moves as he inserted his member inside Jimin little by little. Jimin arched his back as he felt pain from Jungkook pushing inside of him. Even if the elder was trying as slow as possible, Jimin was still able to feel it all. When Jungkook members was fully in, he started moving inside Jimin. A single tear of pain cascaded down from Jimin's now teary eyes but after some more pushes, he was able to feel pleasure. 

Jungkook hovered over Jimin while he trusted inside of him, now hearing Jimin's moans more clearer. Jungkook moaned and groaned as well. He left a peck on Jimin's lips before moving down to his chest. 

"More..." Jimin tries to speak. His eyes were shut down, his hands were around Jungkook neck and his lips were parted away for moans to come out form. 

"Jungkook" Jimin moaned. Jungkook started trusting faster and harder inside Jimin's. He knew he started hitting Jimin's sweet spot when he heard a gasped from the younger and his moans got louder. 

"Jimin.." Jungkook responded with a groan. He stops and pulls out. Jimin whines as he still wanted more. Jungkook chuckles as he turns Jimin around and make him get on his knees. Jungkook re-position himself and re-adjust in front of Jimin's hole. He inserted himself in, this time all at once, Jimin arches his back and let his head falls on the bed and hold onto the bed sheet. 

Jungkook hold both of Jimin's arm back and let Jimin sit on him. He now trusted upwards. Jimin lays his head on Jungkook shoulder as he let out moans. Jungkook also groans, Jimin hearing it clearly since his ear was just close to Jungkook's lips. 

"Jung-kook. I'm cl-ose" Jimin breaths out as he let out a gasped, feeling himself close. His members was already leaking pre-cum from his tip. Jungkook hears him and so he grabbed Jimin's member, trusting it up and down wanting the younger to cum. 

"I'm close too" Jungkook breathes on Jimin's neck leaving Jimin feel the shivering all the way through his spine. After some more trusting, Jimin arched his back and gasped as he releases on Jungkook hands. His body felt weak but Jungkook wasn't done yet. He trusted until he cum inside Jimin. 

He pulls out and lays on the bed with Jimin, giving him one last peck then holding the younger close to his body. "Is my body warm now?" Jungkook asked the younger and he nodded while smiling.

"See? I told you, It'll be warm every time I'm next to you"Jungkook says and Jimin just nodded as he started to close his eyes. 

"Did you like it?" Jungkook notices Jimin was feeling sleepy so he decided to just watch him go to sleep. 

" A lot" 

"I love you Jungkook"

"I love you too baby"Jimin smiles before completely dozing to sleep. Jungkook held Jimin tightly as they both rested.


oh my god, I can't believe I just wrote that. And by the way guys, this is my first time writing smut so uhmm.... I might have made many mistakes. Anyhow, I hope you like this chapter. 


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