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'Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ignore  '

Days makes it to weeks, weeks became months and we were now almost coming close to the next year. October has arrived, and Jimin started to make improvements with getting his memories back. He claims that remembers almost everything except the fact that he was once a human and the fact that he and Jungkook used to be in a relationship. Jungkook thought then what exactly did he remember if it wasn't those two important facts? Jimin would walk to Jungkook's bedroom every day telling him he remember something but Jungkook got so used to hearing the same thing every day he got tired of it and he wasn't all excited anymore.

"But Jungkook, you still haven't explained to me why I had to die that day" Jimin whines. He was sitting on Jungkook's bed while Jungkook was still in bed trying to sleep.

"Why are you asking me this right now, in this time of the night?" Jungkook takes a glance at the small clock standing on the nightstand and checks the time. "It's 2 am! Let me sleep" He went back to sleep and took the bed cover, covering his whole body but Jimin quickly removes it, removing the whole bed cover and dropping it in the floor.

"But I can't sleep because I can't stop thinking about it" Jimin rubbed his neck, adding " I mean, can't you tell how curious I am? If you were in my place, you wou-" Jungkook didn't want to hear anymore so he grabs Jimin wrist and bring him to bed so they could sleep together.

"Please Jimin, let's sleep now, I'll tell you everything in the morning," Jungkook says while his eyes were closed. Jimin's face was closed enough to Jungkook's but Jungkook himself didn't know because his eyes were closed.


"What is it now" Jimin can sense the fatigue in Jungkook's voice. When Jimin stayed quiet for long enough, Jungkook opens his eyes to see why he shut up so quickly.

They locked eyes for a minute before Jimin sit-ups the bed and blushes. Jungkook smiled at that fact and turn around to sleep the other way. Jungkook is wondering if he really wants Jimin to get his memory back now. Jimin feels like this is a familiar feeling as if he felt like this before but he doesn't know why and how.


"Jungkook open the door!" The king knocks on Jungkook's bedroom door. He had something to tell his son before he goes out. But no one inside the bedroom heard as they were still fast asleep, so the king barge inside Jungkook's bedroom and was surprised by his view.

Jungkook and Jimin were messily sleeping on the bed. Their hair is messy, the bed cover is on the floor, their sleep was even weirder, he wonders what kind of event took place here. Many things were coming to his mind, but other thoughts weren't pleasant so he tries not to think about it. He's asking himself whether he should wake them up or just leave them be. He decided to let them be anyways. He told the guard to tell them in his place and they nodded.

Minutes later, Jimin wakes up while breathing hard, he looks at his surroundings and noticed Jungkook who was drying his hair next to the mirror located on the wall, near the window. Jungkook was wearing nothing else but a bathrobe.

"Did you had a nightmare?" Jungkook asked looking back at Jimin. Jimin didn't say anything as kept looking at Jungkook, still breathing harshly. Tears started dropping from his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook stopped drying his hair and walk up to Jimin, seating on the bed next to Jimin and wiping away his tears.

"Jungkook..." Jimin stares into Jungkook's eyes, barely breathing as he hold on his chest. 

"What? What kind of nightmare did you have to act like this?"

"Jungkook... I think... I thin-... Oh my gosh..." Jimin says, breathing became uneven. Jungkook hug him to make him calm down

"You don't have to tell me if you can't, just calm down"

"Jungkook, I think I got my memory back..."



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