< 三十五>

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'N'oubliez pas, demain, est promis à person ' 

Jungkook finally wakes up. He found himself on the bed. A little frown appeared on his face because he wasn't able to wake up next to his lover. The bed still looks the same as it was when they did their messy thing.

"Is it already the next day or the same day?" He asked himself as he looks for his phone to look at the time but he doesn't remember where he left it. He then goes in for a shower. 


"Oh Jungkook? I was waiting for you to wake up so I could change the bed sheets and stuff and are those my cloths that you're wearing?" Jimin laughs. Jungkook walks forward to where Jimin was. He was placing food on the dining table "And by the way, great timing just for dinner!" Jimin exclaimed, removing his apron as he was done making diner. 

Jungkook hugged him from behind. "My clothes were dirty so I couldn't wear the again. And you're clothes are too tight, I'm barely breathing" Jungkook pecks Jimin neck, he was rewarded with a giggle from the younger.

"By the way Jimin, what time is it?" Jungkook asked, looking for a nearby clock. 

"Oh, let me check" Jimin takes out his phone to check for the time. "It's 6 pm. Why?" 

"And what time did we sleep?" 

"I'm not sure, but I think it was around 3 pm" Jimin glances at Jungkook from behind, wondering why the older was asking these questions. "Why? Do you have to leave me again?" Jimin pouted as he turned his face away but Jungkook had already caught it before he does so.

"I'm sorry Jimin, I will make it up to y-"

"Just when? When will you let me talk to your parents? I'm sure they'll understand if I explain to them" Jimin pulls out from Jungkook's touch and looked at him in the eyes. 

"Jimin, you don't understand, They-"

"Yes I do understand! Don't you know how hard it was for me to tell my mom I was gay? Don't you know how long it took for her to open up? No matter how long it takes, I'm sure there's gonna be a time where they would have no other choice but to accept you for who you are. You are their son, they would anything for you. Don't let negatives thoughts to stop you...Jungkook"

"Jimin... Okay I'll try to talk to them about it" Jungkook says. He's not even sure if he will. He knows it's forbidden to have any contact relationship with a human as a vampire that he was and always will be... sadly. 

"Thank you..." Jimin says and hugs Jungkook, Jungkook hugged back. 

"Okay, let's have dinner, shall we?"


Night time has fallen and both boys were cuddling on the living room couch. It was already 8 pm and Jungkook needed to leave cause he wasn't sure just when will his uncle shows up again but it looks like Jimin doesn't want him to. 

"Oh Mr. Jungkook , you're not going anywhere. Not in my watch" Jimin exclaimed as he forcefully brings himself close to Jungkook so he wouldn't be able to move. 

"Jimin come on, I will see you tomorrow, I promise". Jungkook whines. He looks at the clock from his right and back to Jimin. 

"You really want to leave me that bad?" Jimin pouts staring into his boyfriend's eyes. "You don't love me..."

"What are you talking about? I love you"

"Then spend some more time with me" 

"Don't I always?" Jungkook pecks his boyfriends lips that he couldn't resits. 

"Fine, you can leave and I'll touch myself since I'm bored" Jimin jokes making Jungkook laugh

"You're so cute but I gotta make my leave" Jungkook walks to the door and Jimin follows him, wanting to see him make his leave. 

" Jungkook, remember our promises? we already made two" Jimin remind Jungkook who standing next to the door he had opened. 

"Which two?"

"One, You will stay with me forever, at least until we die, Just to say to stay by you're side and the other one which was we'll go sightseeing together." 

"Are you asking me to marry you?"

"If that's possible I'll be glad to"

"Alright then, I'll make sure to remember" Jungkook says and kisses Jimin's forehead and his lips which made Jimin smiled 

"I love you" Jungkook says and walks out the door. Jimin replied with an " I love you too" as he waved his boyfriend goodbye. When Jungkook disappears out of the horizon, he shuts the door and went back to the living room to watch some more television before going to his bed and get to sleep since he was work today. 

Will Jungkook really keep his promises?

Will Jungkook will tell his parents?


Forgive me XD. I know this was boring


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