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'la vie ce n'est pas d'attendre que les orages passent, c'est d'apprendre comment danser sous la pluie. '

"Hello? Is this, I assume Jungkook?" A strange man spoke on the phone as Jungkook eyes narrowed trying to think if he had ever heard this voice

"Yes and this is?" Jungkook spoke on the phone as he kept walking toward Jimin's house.

"I am one of the bartenders working in a bar and there's a man who got himself drunk. I need him to leave cause I need to close the bar as it has exceed it's working time" He said on the phone as he stood beside Jimin. 

"Is it Jimin?"

"Sorry sir I don't know his name but I guess it might be Jimin as you referred to"

"Okay I'll be right there, just tell me the address"


Minutes later, Jungkook arrived at the bar and looked around until he notices Jimin as he was the only one inside. Next to him, stood a man Jungkook is certain is the one he was on the phone with. They both shared a glance before Jungkook thanked the bartender and picking Jimin up and bringing him with him. 

Jungkook piggybacks Jimin all the way to Jimin's house. Once in, Jungkook dropped Jimin on the couch as he sat beside him, Jimin smelling like alcohol. 

"Jungkook..." whispered Jimin as his eyes were closed. His cheek is bright pink. Jungkook hummed in response as he caresses Jimin hair. "You're late again..." Jimin pouted

"What do you mean by again?"

"You're late again and again and again... Why do you always want to hang out with me in the evening? We can't even go on a proper date"

"But Jimin, I thought you understood why"

"I used to but.. I'm bored without you... I want to go on a date with you but.... But I know that won't happen anyways. Jungkook, you don't love me, I hate you" Jimin let it all out as his head rested against the couch. His eyes still closed as he kept on talking. 

"Jimin I'm sorry, I had no idea" Jungkook hold the younger hands, very unaware that Jimin was drunk and he would probably forget about this conversation by the time he wakes up the next morning. 

"I hate you Jungkook"

"You know I can't leave the house in the afternoon" Jungkook brought Jimin head closer to his chest. 

"Just once, please... Just once" Jungkook sighed as he didn't know what to say anymore

"Jungkook? why do you smell like blood?" Jimin opens his eyes to only meet up with Jungkook

"I do?" Jungkook tries to pull Jimin faces away from his body

"Yeah, did you hurt yourself? Or did you're parent hurt you?"

"Jimin, I see that you're really tired that you're imagining things, let's go to bed" Jimin nodded maybe thinking that Jungkook could be right. 


Jimin wakes up like any unusual day for another. He tries to get off of bed but he feels his head hurting so much. Just how much did I drink yesterday? He tries to shake the thought as he tries to stand up but ends up falling on the floor making a big bang kind of noise. Jungkook heard this and runs to the bedroom where Jimin was laying on the floor. 

"Jimin, you're okay?" He carries him back on the bed after Jimin nodded he was but he was surprised. 

"Jungkook?" Jimin eyes widened as Jungkook continued helping Jimin get back on the bed

"Yes it's me"

"What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean? I'm gonna be with you here the whole day" Jungkook is surely ready to start taking risks just for Jimin. He knows staying all day with a human might cause him problems for vampire like him but he doesn't care. All he wants is Jimin happiness. 

"Really?" Jimin smiles widely as he sits up to hug Jungkook

"yeah, but why are you so moved?"

"Because... I'm just happy that you're staying with me" they both were glancing at each other but something  interrupts their happiness

"Hello, am I speaking with Park Jimin?" Jungkook and Jimin glanced at each other before Jimin replied

"Yes, who am I speaking to?"

"I am doctor Kang and I assume you know Lee Yoojung?"

"Yes and why-"

"She's in the emergency room here at the hospital xxx"



&quot;Redamancy&quot; || Jikook AU ✔Where stories live. Discover now