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' la vie est simple, mais c'est le monde qui la complique'

Before Jungkook could add anything, his ear ringed again causing  much more pain than before. So Jungkook let go of jimin and hold onto his ears as they turned red.

Jimin took this opportunity to run away. He opens the door and ran off. But little did he knows,  he was still wearing his pajamas.
Jungkook look out the window and realized how bright the sun is shining. meaning he isn't able to go home. Going outside will be as if he's trying to fry himself. So he decided to stay till the night. But one thing is for sure. That means he has to stay with Jimin,  a human for the whole day.  Something he never did before. He though for a while

"I need to make sure jimin doesn't find out my real identity. I need to act like human"

But how do human acts that's so different from vampires? Ah that,  he didn't know, but hope to find out soon before all this causes trouble.


"jimin? What brings you here?... And why are you on your pajamas?" Yoojung opens her apartment door for jimim who was knocking so hard on

"Yoojung... Let me in for a while"Jimin was breathless cause of all the running he had to do in order to protect himself

"Al... Alright, come in" she let's Jimin in as she follows behind after closing the door

"what happen? You good?"

"there's this man inside my house who I'm pretty sure, doesn't have sense, is trying to kill me"

" a man? What's the name?"

"I have no idea. He says we know each other but I have no idea"

An unknown man?

" how did he even get inside your house?" Jimin though for a while and thinks maybe it's his fault if the man got inside the house in the first place. He let him in but at the same time he had no clue.

" I should stay her for a little until I'm sure he's gone" Jimin relaxed on the sofa as Yoojung thought of something

"wait,  you said your gonna wait until he leaves?"

"yes, why?"

"does he have your house keys?"

"no why would he?"

"then Jimin...  Let's say he left,  then isn't your house gonna stay unlocked? Anyone can go in and steal your belongings" she look up at Jimin and his eyes had widened

"omg  you're right!" Jimin quickly ran out while he held Yoojung's wrist

"Yah! Slowly and why are you draging me with you?" Jimin didn't respond as they kept on running


"no one is here and the door was open" she looks up at Jimin as she looks around his house " I guess he left?"

" I guess so" he responded as he seat down on his couch and sighed deeply. Yoojung joins him

"Jimin seriously why didn't you call the police?"

" I didn't have my phone on me"

"but next time,  instead of running to me contact the police or run to them like you did to me"

"you're house is much more closer thought" Jimin whines but Yoojung just sighed 

"alright,  I'll leave now"

"ok then"

After Yoojung left,  Jimin walks to the door and lock it before walking to the bathroom after he realized his messy state. 

After bath, Jimin covers his lower half with a towel before walking back to his bedroom. As he enters the bedroom,  suddenly he hears a rustle on his bed meaning nothing else than someone is sleeping on his bed. His very own bed. Who gave him permission to do so? 

"omg, is it him again?" Jimin thought he was whispering but the man on the bed clearly heard him.

He tries to leave the room quietly thinking he might still be asleep. But it wasn't so.

"don't mind me, continue on" he said as he still layed on the bed with his eyes shut.

Jimin though for a moment, he might be a pervert. Cause why else he would want to stay in a room where he needs to change?

"why are you still here?" Jimin ask he was standing outside the bedroom or next to the door.

"why can't I?"

"this is my house, you should go to yours. You don't look like someone who lives in the streets "

"actually, I have no where else to go"

"stop lying and get out before I call the police"

"I know you won't"

"sure I can"

" Trust me, you won't"

"why are you here? where you kick out of your house?"

"whatever you say..."

"...get out..." Jungkook opens his eyes but still in the same position before answering

" You really want me to leave?"

"I just need to get dresses...."

"alright" Jungkook stands up and gets off the bed then throws a glance at Jimin who covered himself with the bed sheet to protect himself. Jungkook scoffs

"are you that afraid of me?" he says as he walks out

"well of course, you're a stranger!"

"good. You should be"


Jimin was in the kitchen making food while Jungkook was in the living room watching an horror movie. And the boy was pretty much enjoying himself as if it was his own house. Jungkook decided to maybe do his duty of killing Jimin later since he doesn't get to be like this before. Jimin places the food on the dining table and calls on Jungkook once he was finishes.

"who said I was hungry?" Jungkook stayed where he was without making a slight move.

"you have to eat!"

"who are you to order me around?"

"... You still ha-"

"shut up!  I'm tired of being order around!"

"I'm not ordering you around, I'm simply asking you to eat"

"and I said no"

"when did you even say- whatever,  die out of hunger on your own. Why am I even worrying about you? At least I'm not the one dying." Jimin said and he sat down to eat on his own as he hold his phone to catch up on missing text messages and calls.

Jungkook suddenly stands up and sat across Jimin and took away his food away and ate it not even aware that it was Jimin's food. Which made Jungkook break one of the rules as a vampire but he didn't care.

"I'll eat..."


Sorry for the boring chapter =(

Love, -anpanwoman-

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