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'une fois que tu à apris à être heureuse, tu ne tolereras pas à d'être entouré de gens qui te font ressentir le contraire'

"Jungkook,  don't tell me"

"tell you what?"

"you're friends with humans or perhaps,  you're in love with one of them"

"that's not true!"

"then for what else reason you stayed on earth for that long!?"

"i- ... Was just lost and the sun was shining in the day so I had to wait till the night for me to leave"

"I don't believe you"

"then do whatever you want" Jungkook left the palace on his own accord.

"if that's what you want, then I shall Jungkook"

He directly,  instead of going back home,  he went down to earth again. He walks around,  remembering where he saw Jimin's house last time.

'he's probably sleeping'

So he waited outside the door. It was raining heavy then it stopped until small drops. Suddenly,  after waiting for so long,  Jimin opens the door and found him seating in front his door.

"Jungkook?" he said


It's a Saturday morning, Jimin didn't have work today. He opens his eyes then adjust to the light inside the bedroom. But he wasn't expecting what came next. Jungkook was laying next to him. When he opened his eyes,  all he can see was Jungkook's face. It was so close to his and that made Jimin blush

"what are you staring at?" Jungkook opened his eyes and Jimin gasps as he was caught. He sits up the bed and realizes what just happened and yesterday memories came to him

"what are you doing in my bed?" Jimin asks looking so confuse.

"oh... I couldn't sleep in the living room. It was too cold" he closes his eyes and went back to sleep

Cold? I gave him the biggest blanket I had!

"okay,  I'll go make breakfast and maybe we can go hang out later since I don't have work" he slip out of the bed,  putting his slippers on then walk to the bathroom to get ready. The something hit Jungkook

"hang out!? Is this guy trying to kill me?"Jungkook worries,  but if Jimin might be suspicious of him if he doesn't go out and that could cause many problems and misunderstand. After they ate breakfast, Jungkook had to showered. Jimin was literally treating him like a child,  forgetting that Jungkook is indeed older than him. Jimin wanted to let Jungkook borrow his clothes but Jungkook just wanted to wear the clothes he always wore. Thank God Jimin had wash and dried it last night.

"why those clothes? And I always see you wearing those,  don't you have any other clothes? Is black you're favorite color?" Jimin asks looking at Jungkook as they both inside the bedroom

"why do that matter to you? They're my clothes!"

"I know,  but just wear something else for today"

" I refuse"

"fine,  here"

I'll bring you to the mall anyways and buy you new clothes.

Jungkook ask for Jimin to leave so he can dress up.  Jimin waited in the living room,  already all dress up.

Jungkook came out the bedroom and walk to the living room. Jimin looked at him and gave him a disgust look.  Jungkook rools his eyes, not caring about what the younger has to say. 

"let's go to the mall now"

"I can't go"

"why not?"

"because.... Because I'm sick" he touches his head and pretends that his head was hurting

"out of the sudden?"

"No! Uhmm... Since this morning"

"okay,  I'll give you pills then we can leave"

"no needs. Can you at least give me an umbrella?"

"why? I'm pretty sure it won't rain today. It's pretty sunny"

"my skin-...  It-...  I get sunburn easily" Jungkook just gives up,  he doesn't want to be given human medication as it's different from theirs. 

"you should have said so then"

Jimin walks to his bedroom to get an umbrella. He gives to Jungkook and there they went. Luckily,  it wasn't a transparent umbrella caused they will have been no need for it. Thankfully, the umbrella was of a dark color which Jungkook liked a lot. 

"we can go now?" Jungkook nodded. His face says it all. He's afraid of stepping outside of the house with the sun shining so brightly. Waiting for him to be fried. Jungkook is still asking himself whether this was actually a good idea.

Why am I doing this again?

Jimin happily walks ahead and Jungkook was so far behind. Jimin had to stop many times for Jungkook to catch up with him.

"Jungkook! Why are you taking baby steps? Walk faster! "

"don't rush me, you potato!"

Jimin walks back to him and hold his hand this time, bringing him to his pace. Jungkook removes his hand so many times but ended up giving up since Jimin keeps putting his hand back with his.

They finally arrived at the mall. Jungkook was amazed at how many humans there was here. If he was ever hungry again or needed to hunt,  this is the perfect place for him and his family.

"Jungkook? Do you know these people?"

"obviously not"

"you're looking at them as if you did"

They entered a clothing shop,  where he could buy something for Jungkook. He looks at the options they had and tries to guess as close for Jungkook clothes size.

"try this!" Jimin pulls out a blue rip jean and a white shirt that says supreme followed by a blue jeans jacket to match with his pant. After trying it, Jimin knew this what he had to get for the boy.

"we're getting this miss"

After they're job was finished, they walk up to a nearby restaurant and decided to eat there for today. They got inside the restaurant and Jimin asked what Jungkook wanted to eat,  all he said was meat and a reddish colored beverage. A lady approaches them and Jimin order.  As they wait, someone that Jimin knows appeared.

"Jimin! Oh,  is this your boyfriend?"


This is the longest chapter in this book oml

Love,  -anpanwoman-

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