<Bonus chapter>

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'L'amour ce n'est pas combien de fois tu dis 'je t'aime' mais combien de fois tu les prouves'

"Father, are you leaving now?" Jungkook asked following his father to the door. 

"Yes, don't worry, I'll be back by tomorrow" The father reassure walking out of the door and the guards follow him,  Jungkook nods at him before making his way back to Jimin after the father left. The house was quiet afterwards. The maids were asked to all go home because it was their vacation month, the guards were also asked to go home with only a few exception who had to stay to guard the door. So technically, Jimin and Jungkook were home alone. 

Jungkook goes inside his bedroom, finding Jimin laying on his bed, "are you sleeping?" He asked getting on the bed next to him, "I know that it's the evening but you can't just go to sleep without me" Jungkook says but only to made Jimin smile. 

"I was waiting for you to come back" Jimin grins, Jungkook couldn't keep up with his cuteness, so he pinches his cheek making him giggle. 

"I just realize that today is your birthday, october 13" Jungkook say and Jimin was shocked

"Really? you remembered? Even I forgot" Jimin chuckles

"I'm sorry that we can't throw a birthday party for you" He kisses his cheek

"I'm okay as long as you stay with me" he smiles

"But I do have a gift for you"

"what is it?" Jungkook brought himself closer to give Jimin a kiss. 

"You don't need to be afraid, no one is in the house"


"They all went somewhere and they won't come back until tomorrow" Jungkook smirks at the though. He climbs on top of Jimin making them look each other. 

"I see~" Jimin responded. Jungkook licks his lip before connecting them with Jimin's. And by that, Jimin could tell what kind of gift Jungkook was giving him. Jungkook then kept on kissing him then dropped down to his collarbone. Jimin softly moans at the feeling and Jungkook swears if he wasn't turn on before, he is now. 

He moves to his neck leaving love bites while he slid his hands under Jimin's shirt to play with his nipple. Jimin moans as he hold onto his lover hair. "Aahh~" He bits his lips to keep quiet. After a while, Jungkook detaches himself from his neck and removes his shirt and Jimin's, leaving their upper body nude. Jungkook kisses Jimin's lips once again then dropped down to lick his nipple. 

"Oohh~" Jimin grips on the bed sheets as he close his eyes. 

Jungkook breaks away and removes Jimin's pant that was getting on his way. He drops it on the floor and continues. He kisses his cloth member earning another moan from the younger. Jungkook felt like he could explode cause of how hard he's feeling but he wanted to play with Jimin for a bit. He slowly removes Jimin's underwear  only to be exposed with Jimin's member which the liquid from his tip was already making its way down. Looking at him like this, Jungkook thought he was exposed to heaven for a minute.  

"Jungkook please... It hurts" Jimin whines, he opens his eyes to look at what his lover was doing. Jungkook reaches his hand to Jimin's lips to shush him but Jimin took that as an opportunity to lick Jungkook fingers. 

Jungkook couldn't take it anymore, he was feeling hard enough that his throbbing member was hurting. He takes off everything from his lower body and now Jimin and Jungkook were both expose to each other. 

"Jimin, you're so beautiful" Jungkook whispers as he got into position to insert himself inside of Jimin. Once he felt that the younger felt ready, he goes in without any other hesitation. He moans at the feeling as he pushes in deeper, Jimin moans loudly once Jungkook was deep enough so he grabs harder on the bed sheet. When Jungkook was once in, he started moving in slowly at first, trying to hit different corners. He groans at the feeling.

"Faster" cries Jimin. Jungkook held his hand against the bed as he move in faster. He drops his head down and kisses Jimin's lips. Jimin moans between the kiss, he removes his hand from Jungkook hold and wraps his arms around Jungkook's neck. Jungkook uses his hand to keep him in balance so he doesn't fall on his lover, though that's something Jimin wouldn't mind. 

He stops on his track , making Jimin whine. He turns him over and let him stand in four and re-connects with his hole but this time, he inserted quickly and started thrusting with a high pace, hitting every corner of his lover inside of him. Jimin moans loud until his voice cracks but Jungkook didn't even try to shush him, he found it sexy. 

"Jungkook... I- I'm close" Jimin says between his moans, he hold onto his own member bobbing it so he could cum.

"Go ahead..." Jungkook answer. He notices that Jimin was touching himself so he removes Jimin's hand and did the job instead. He moves in a even faster paste, making it difficult for the younger to breath, 

Jimin moans loudly as he releases on Jungkook's hand and the bed. He falls onto the bed as he kept on shivering from the pleasure he just had, Jungkook was finish though, he was force to detach himself from Jimin's hole because of how sensitive it became, his member was left hard and he was in pain. Jimin notices that Jungkook started touching himself since it was the only way, he decided to help. 

"Here, let me do it" He says and Jungkook listen. Jimin pushes Jungkook down so he can lay on the bed, once settled, he grabs Jungkook's hard member and began bobbing it with his hand. He kept on until he thought of change of plan. He licks the top of his member earning a groan from Jungkook. He then inserted his mouth on it and began bobbing his head on the member which Jungkook's cum was now falling from the tip and Jimin swallows it. Jungkook moans and grip on his lover hair. Jimin bobs his head faster and that's when Jungkook lost it. He releases inside Jimin's mouth and he swallow everything He detach his lips from Jungkook member and reaches up to give a kiss to his lover. 

They hug each other to sleep with their messy state. Jungkook was resting his chin on top of Jimin's head. 

"Happy birthday baby"

"Thank you... I love you so much" says Jimin 

"I love you more" Jungkook answers, leaving a kiss on his forehead and before they knew it, they drift to sleep. 


I hope you guys had enjoyed this *cough* story *cough* as much as I did writing it. Hope to see you next time, bye. And remember, 'Jimin you're nice, keep going'

Love you all, -anpanwoman-

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