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' lorsque un événement malheureuse survient, nous avons trois choix: le laisser définir notre vie, le laisser détruit notre vie,  ou s'en servir pour devenir plus forte'

"Jimin! Oh,  is this your boyfriend?" Sori asked, a friend of Jimin and Yoojung.

"oh Sori,  it's been so long! What are you two doing here? And oh no,  he's... Just a friend" Jimin says as he stands up to hug his long time no see friend.

" Me and Yoojung were just walking around" Sori says as she took a seat next to Jimin.

Jungkook was seating across Jimin, and so Yoojung sat next to Jungkook. Across from both of her friends.

"oh that's great,  Jungkook and I were also Just walking around" He smiles at her.

Sori smiles and looks at Jungkook. She gives out a hand to do a handshake with Jungkook,  but he didn't understand what was going on so he just look at her hand.

Never mind then. She whispers.

Yoojung and Jimin laughs at Sori, feeling her embarrassment. She decided to doit instead but to make sure he understands.

"hi,  I'm Lee Yoojung,  Jimin's best friend" She look at Jungkook and he nodded

"I'm Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook" he answers back

"and I'm Sori. Sori Na". He nodded again

They had their meals served and had many chits chats as time went by.  Jungkook refuses to eat other foods, all he ate was meat. The girls though he was weird but Jimin keeps telling them to not think so and maybe he's just shy to try anything else then what he's always eating.

"are you sure you two aren't dating or something?" Sori asks as she wipes her mouth

"of course not,  does it seems like it?" Jimin wipes his hand

"Yeah it does"

"ah Sori,  we need to get going" Yoojung was feeling pretty jealous already and didn't want it to get any worse. If her friend keeps talking about Jimin having to do with Jungkook,  she'll probably go crazy.

"and plus,  Jimin isn't gay" she added

"...right" Jimin agreed

"whatever,  I mean we never kn-"

"okay Jimin, I think it's time for us to depart"

"why the rush?"

JuSt ShUt Up AnD lEt'S gEt GoInG- Yoojung quietly whispers to herself but loud enough for only Sori to hear.

"you guys are leaving already? We can do many other things together"

"we can hang out together maybe another time. And that time is definitely not today"

"okay,  I'll see you guys some other times"

"alright bye"

After that,  they left. Jungkook was still silent. He was just looking at Jimin,  cleaning after himself. Jimin notices and smiles.

"you're done already? Wanna get going now?"

"Why are you're friends so loud? And where are we going this time?"

" I don't know-" he laughs "We're going to visit a crypt"

A crypt?

"ready?" Jungkook nodded at Jimin questions as they both stands up to leave.

The walk was silent as Jungkook didn't know what to say at this point. Jimin notices Jungkook's blank expression. And that made him curious of what Jungkook might be thinking

"Jungkook? Jungkook?" Jungkook didn't hear Jimin so he waited until Jungkook catches up to him and then called on him, but this time Jungkook hears him,  then raised an eyebrow

" are you okay? You look like you're wandering around planets" Jimin touches Jungkook's forehead but Jungkook removes his hand with his free hand.

"I'm fine" they kept walking

" Wanna take a break?"

"No... Let's just go" Jimin nodded and they kept walking.

They walk a little bit more until they found the church where Jimin remembers he's been to before. They walked down the stairs to the basement of it after asking for some people who were around where are the stairs to the basement. As they walk,  the place seems like a library but without books on the shelves but people's ashes stored in a big jar.

"what exactly are we doing here Jimin?" Jungkook asked the younger as they kept walking. Jimin didn't say anything cause he knows what he is doing. Knowing that Jungkook's questions will be soon be answered. 

"Jungkook,  meet my brother. Park Jihyun"

He looks familiar. Oh my God.

It's the guy I killed.


Please correct me if I made any mistakes. English is not my first nor my second language so please help. Oof

And this is the place where they are looks like.

Love,  -anpanwoman-

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Love,  -anpanwoman-

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