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' tu es dans toutes mes pensées '

Namjoon sat quietly at the living room as he focuses on the paper that was in front of him. The other brothers approaches him and took a seat next to him.

"why did you call us out?" Hoseok speaks up

"it's father again"

"what is it this time? He always have problems" Taehyung whines then Jin smack the back of his neck


"listen... I don't know why he wanted all of us out here but Jungkook it seems like he wants to talk to you privately" Namjoon says and everyone else turn their gaze to Jungkook who wasn't paying attention to their conversation.

"what?" he opens his eyes. Turn out he was taking a nap at the couch

"father wants to talk to you"

"where is he then?"

"at the palace of course, where else?" Jungkook exhale hardly

"why couldn't he come here? Do he thinks we're robots? Having to go back and forth to the palace and here. Why couldn't we just have live all together?" he stamps angrily as he walks out the living room to his bedroom.

"Jungkook, I'm pretty sure it's an important matter" Namjoon yells

"yeah whatever, tell him to come here. If not, too bad cause I'm not going anywhere"


"just leave him brother" Jin caress his back

"if this had to do with Jungkook, then why are all of us was called here?" Yoongi suddenly speaks up

"because of that" he pointed at Jungkook who was walking away. "We have no choice but to force him to go"

"and how we're gonna do that?"

"we kidnap him" Taehyung laughs evilly and everyone else rolls their eyes


Jimin finished his session for today. The students claps and cleans up before leaving.

"good job everyone. Go home and stay hydrated!" the students bows before making their way out but as one was about to leave, the student that was in front of her closes the door when her feet was at the door. So her leg got stuck for a while before she opened the door and said

"oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were behind me" she walks away. She didn't even look like she was being sincere. The girl hold onto her feet and tried not to cry but the pain just made it worse.

Jimin ran up to her and ask her if she was okay and what had happened because he wasn't paying attention. He was also packing his stuff to leave.

"it hurts so much" the female student cries as she kept holding onto her foot.

"can you stand up?" Jimin asked but the girl shakes her head and kept saying how much it hurts her.

"okay, I'll bring you to the hospital" the girl nodded and so Jimin carried her bride style to his car. As he was about to open the door to his car, Yoojung saw them and she gasped

"Jimin, what do you think you're doing? We have practice with the others and we are waiting for you "

"I can't today, I'm bringing her to the hospital."


"She Huet her foot. I got to go Yoojung, we can talk later"

And before she could add anything else, Jimin already got inside the car and ready to drive off.


After talking with the doctor, Jimin walks back into the hospital room where her student Lisa was staying at. She was quietly laying on the bed and when she heard someone step, she opens her eyes. Jimin stood up next to her.

"what did the doctor say? Will I never gonna be able to dance again?"

"no, that's not it. He said you need to let your foot rest while you have your cast on" Jimin reassured her

"does that mean I'm not gonna be the main role of our new dance you teach us?"

"I'm afraid to say, I'm gonna need to replace you with Irene"

"why her of all the students?"

"because she's the only who knows the steps apart from you"

"this is really not fair. She did this on purpose"

Jimin sighed, not knowing that to say. But he knows he got to get going soon. She said good bye to the student before walking out.

Jimin looked at the time on his phone and it was 5pm. He tries to call Yoojung but she won't pick up. Why? Is she mad just because Jimin didn't show to practice? Jimin decided to go back home and for sure, he will be there tomorrow.

He got home and let himself fall freely on the couch. As he close his eyes, someone suddenly appeared on his mind.

Jeon Jungkook...


Love, -anpanwoman-

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