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'  l'amour ne fait pas mal, c'est la personne qui ne sait pas comment t'aimer qui te blesse'

It was already 4pm to be exact on the clock and Jungkook was still in Jimin's house. The two have already been used to each other. Things are not as they used to be. Jungkook chuckles as he think back at the past.

How did we get so close? He chuckles I had one job and now it's ruined. Why can't I just do what I first came here for? But believe it or not, it's hard now.

As the house was filled with tranquility and the only noise that could be heard was Jimin making dinner. Someone knocks on the door.

"Who could it be? It's not my mom, she said she won't be here till 6" Jimin titled his head not sure whether he heard it wrong or not but afterwards Jungkook goes to open to door.

" Hi Ji- you again? What are you doing here?"

" Ah, Yoojung. What brings you here?" Jimin wipes his hand on the apron he was wearing

" why he is here?" Yoojung asked as she makes her way inside the house.

" he's my friend remember?"

" yeah but what kind of friend is he? I see him everywhere you are"

" why? Jealous?"

" why would I be?"

Jungkook sat back on the couch as he ignore the arguments the two were having. He was watching Boss baby, turns out it's now he's favorite thing to watch and it makes him laugh every time.

Finally, Jimin went back inside the kitchen to finish up with his cooking. Yoojung sat next to Jungkook but Jungkook was so focus on the cartoon that he didn't notice.

" Hi.. uhmm, what's your name again?" She caught  his attention

"Jungkook" he said without even looking at her

Yoojung had a lot to say but Just didn't have the courage to. She's not sure even herself why is she nervous.

" what are you doing here?"

" Jimin invited me and why are you here?"

" I'm his friend, I have all the right to be here" Jungkook look at her then back at the Tv after just nodding

Yoojung take a quick glance at Jimin to make sure that Jimin wasn't spying in their conversation before she said something to Jungkook

" hey, let me tell you a secret only me and Jimin knows"

" what is it?" Jungkook was seriously asking himself why is this girl bothering his movie time. Maybe human girls were all annoying and next time if he needs to hunt, he should go for those girls.

" actually... Jimin is my boyfriend"

Jungkook who wasn't even paying attention to her looks at her and the girl acted like she was shy. Jungkook scoffs and look back at his movie

"I don't remember ever asking"

" well you're his friend so I have to let you know"


Jimin who was finally done with the cooking, plated the food on the table and covered it. After that, he removes his apron, places it where it belongs and then walked up to his friends

" Yoojung, are you staying for dinner?"

" I really wish I could but I have to leave soon. I only came her to let you know that tomorrow Jay park is coming and we're going to practice with him"

" then why didn't you just text?"

" I was already in your neighborhood when she texted me so I decided to pass by" she smiles

" alright"

" I'll get going now" she smirks at Jungkook then walk out the door. Jungkook watches her leave till she walked out the door.

" is she your girlfriend?"

" Yoojung? No-" Jimin laughs " did she tell you that?" Jimin took a seat next to Jungkook as he glances at him

" she did"

" no, I don't have a girlfriend"

" then do you have a boyfriend?"

" no, I'm not gay" Jimin softly slaps Jungkook hand as he laughs at the question.

Jungkook felt a slight disappointment in his answers but he doesn't even know why. He doesn't even have a heart to love or to feels anything but it was as if he felt a big bang on his chest.

" are you okay? Did I say something wrong?" Jimin notices Jungkook blank expression, so he got worried

" No... no, I need to use to bathroom" Jungkook stands up and heads to the bathroom

Did I really say something wrong? I don't get it.


" it's almost 6, isn't he gonna come back?" Taehyung whines as he already wanted to start over and his sure this time he will make sure that they won't lose Jungkook like that again.

" shut up Taehyung, this is all your fault anyways" Hoseok says

" it doesn't look like he's gonna come back tonight" Yoongi says as he put his arm above his eyes and the other on his stomach as he was lying on the living room couch.

" But I'm curious, what are we gonna do with all of the information we find?" Seokjin speaks up

" I guess we have to tell uncle" Namjoon said without pity and all the brothers just look at him surprisingly

If so, Jungkook or his friend will die.


Love, -anpanwoman-

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