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'prends soin de de toi car tu es un être précieux  '

"Jungkook?" Jungkook looks up after hearing his name being called.

"Jimin..." he says so soft. And Jimin was actually taken aback from the way he answered. Usually he will always yelled at him or act all this and that. 

Before asking any questions, Jimin let's Jungkook inside his house. He wonders how long was he there for. Because with such a little rain,  he was all wet. He probably catch a cold.

Before also anything else,  Jimin tells Jungkook to go shower quickly or else he'll get sick. Jimin pulls out some of his clothes for Jungkook to wear, including his undergarments. Jungkook first didn't like the idea of Jimin ordering him around but with his tired state all he could do is listen. After Jungkook was all set up,  wearing sweatpants, a shirt under his sweater and a random sock, he sat down on the living room with Jimin next to him.

"Jungkook,  how did you ended up in front of my door in this weather? were you really kicked out this time?" Jimin walks to the kitchen to make hot chocolate for Jungkook. Jungkook didn't say anything as he keeps on shivering. Jimin then decided to ask again but tried to rephrase his words. He walks back to him after making the hot chocolate.

"Jungkook,  what happened?" He gave him the hot chocolate but Jungkook didn't take a drink.

Is this guy stupid? Trying to poison me with this drink? I'm not taking it. - though Jungkook on his mind

"you're hair is still wet. I should have dried it first" he touches his hair

"don't touch me" Jungkook back away.

Jimin smiled. "relax,  I'm not gonna do anything. And you should drink the hot chocolate before it gets cold" he walks up the stairs to get a towel.

When Jimin left,  Jungkook puts the drink on the table still wandering if he should drink it. Who knows,  there might be poison in it.

Jimin walks back to the living room, finding Jungkook laying on the couch in a sleeping position. But he's eyes weren't closed. He walks over the table and sees that Jungkook still hasn't taken his drink.

"Jungkook,  you don't like chocolate?"


"have you ever tried it?"


"then how can you judge something without even giving it a try?"

"Jimin... I think there's-"

"Jungkook please try it first" Jimin holds the cup and Jungkook sat up straight  " It's not even that bad. It's not like there's poison or anything"

Poison? Can he read my mind? Can human really do that?

Jungkook then nodded then took the cup from Jimin and drink it. This is the first time Jungkook drink something else other than blood. So of course the drink tasted like something he can't even describe.

"how does it taste?" Jimin smiled


"bad but you drank it all" Jimin smiles.

He then took the towel he brought and dries Jungkook hair. But Jungkook doesn't want to. He doesn't want to be touch. Jimin insists so Jungkook just let him.

Later than night, Jimin still didn't get his answer on why Jungkook appeared in front of his door. He decided to ask him tomorrow morning.

"I'm sleepy" Jungkook tries to keep his eyes open but couldn't.

"where would you like to sleep?"

"right here is fine"

"I'll bring the blankets then" Jimin walks to his room and took his time looking for a blanket that will keep Jungkook warm enough. By the time he went back in the living room,  Jungkook already had drove off to sleep. 

He walks up to him and covers him with then big blanket he got for him and a little pillow under his head. He shut the lights and walks back to his bedroom to also sleep.

I'm happy you're back...


"has anyone seen Jungkook?" Jin walks to the living room where everyone else was. They all shakes their heads

"why? He's not in his room?" Namjoon asks

"not at all"

"he's probably in earth again" Hoseok added

" what do he do there? We have plenty of blood in the refrigerator,  why does he need to go hunt?"

"I have no idea"

"I have an idea" Taehyung raises his hand

"why don't one of us follow him, if he were to go back tomorrow to see where does he goes and does he do there" Taehyung suggest

"that's actually a good idea" Yoongi nodded

If Jungkook is caught with a human. He's dead for sure. Jungkook what will you do?


These chapters are getting shorter and shorter OOF 😥

Love, -anpanwoman-

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